There should not be another one, the cases are getting reaaaaaaaaaalllly boooooooooooring just like Detective Investigation Files, after the 2nd one all the cases were pretty similar beside the fact that the characters cannot be develpoded any further, Kevin Cheung and Charimaine Sheh are together, Yoyo and Bobby too as well as the cop and the other doctor or formula with this cop. I really didn't care about some of the cases which were pretty pointless like the one with Shirly Yeung or the Driver who ran over this lady. If there is really a 3rd one i think it will really degrade to how the TVB producers are going to torture the family related to the characters of the series or the characters themselves like happened in DIF IV which was lame. This was an open ending hope there isn't anymore of this.
The ratings are high so there prob. will be a 3rd series, though if they change the characters too much, i may not watch. I dnt like how the main focus of FH2 was shifted to relationships etc, so hopefully, in the 3rd one, cases take on centre stage again with the odd 5 min on each ep taking characters out of work hrs life. Also, hope they shift the focus back on bobby, i found no good reason y the main focus was on charmaine this series - isnt the series suppose to be about the forensic side? (as hinted in the title of the series!)
well i think they were trying to bring something new to help maintain the high ratings as previously otherwise it could get boring. i don't think they shoul make another forensic hereos cos most of the cases have been covered and the relationships are all together now unless there gonna change the cast but i think if that happens it wouldn't be as gd.
I thought having Sharon there was just a random thing. Just to show us how Frankie still thinks of Linda and misses her. Sort of solidifies his love for her, no? Anyways, I'm hoping there won't be a third. Good things should be left as they are...
I really have doubts about a 3rd, but it would be excellent if they created a 3rd. What im wondering about is how many episodes will be released for this?
It will be depending on the ratings of FH2 wether there will be a FH3 or not, but I think the chances are high.
FH2 ratings have been at the high end very stable throughout. So in TVB's mind, its worth making a sequel that guarantees audience numbers and reception. It is exactly like "The Academy" series where one follows another of sequels because it attracts stable high ratings and doesn't require creativity of a new theme/topic. The chances are very high, but the cast might change, but personally i want the same experienced cast as its better to watch
I think there will be a Forensic Hero III since the second one's ending was kind of letting us know there might be a 3rd one, and I think they should make a sequel too it since the ratings were high and it was an interesting series.
lol they would be a fh3, since ratings are good, lol and in the Bonus Section at the end, Bobby said he'll ask the producer to do a Love Line btw Madam Ma and Sum Hung , lol hope this will be True ^^
the FH2 ending is not quite clear... when sharmaine receive call from hospital, what is mean? we may assume kelvin is wake up.. but the story dint mention to the scene...... it may be when everyone arrive at hospital there be another story.... therefore, FH3 will come in to continue the story to unveil the life-death of kelvin.........
I wan't FH Because I wan't see the Sheh charmaine's relation with kevin Cheung i Wan't in FH 3 use Frankie lam Of course Kevin Cheung & Sheh Charmaine -bigclap
Forensic Heroes III would be a enjoyable series.... Hope tat they would stick to the same cast again as in part 2.... So TVB pls have a Forensic Heroes III...
I doubt it they will because i didnt think Forensic Hero was all that good i thought the first one was better
yeh i reckon there will be a third..normally with these kinda series there are always loads of sequels because there is always more to expand on..maybe they can add sharon as his gf in the third one..hehe..would love to watch a third..ratings were ok for 2nd so most probably..