But that's assuming that everyone is good looking. Beggers can't be choosers. Good looking people will have more choices than the less attractive. The less attractive will look for those who are even less attractive than themselves. So in the end no one gets left out if you look at it that way.
Looks is the first thing that capture a person's attention and characters are what keeps the person interested.
characters important but so is the look. you want to be able to stare at her longer than 5mins right?
Character should go first. Looks can be deceiving. He can be very cute but yet, he's a cheap playboy. Although he has agreat personality, I will not fall for ugly dudes. Sometimes looks is just as important as character.
Without looks, you can't attract someone to appreciate your character unless you are forced to interact with them (eg work, school, etc)
This is a tricky one. Character is very important 4, although looks somewhat matter 2. You cant spend the rest of your life with a boring person who you wont get along with. I think if you be in a relationship with someone who just has good looks then you are probably trying to just show off to say that i can get a really good looking girl/boy and you cant. My opinion anyway. I rather be with a person who is interesting, random, lively, funny, caring etc than a person who looks like model. I guess everyone has their own taste.
for me personally, it's the good looks that starts the initial attraction, and then character, but character is what determines how long it lasts... cause every1 can look good if they want, but not every1 can have good characters.
in the ideal world we're all going to say we go for the character/personality of a person but in actual reality we're all deep down bothered about our own and others appearances but one's not so good looks maybe someone else's idea of beauty so it all works out in a way...do ya know what i mean anyways that my thoughts on this some of ya may disagree but o wells
I am both a looks and character person. Looks are important because that is the first thing that everyone sees. Character is important because even the best looker would be useless without good character.
@Phoenixgirl: Hmm, by the common standard? Like maybe anyone who sees your bf would agree he's kinda good-looking? Neways, from your answer I can tell already.