i agree with ecko, were just training him.. since he got a lot to learn.. he's a kid, that's why we like picking on him. -clapclap haha.. j/k
hahah... thas right.... he should be glad we don't inflict any physical pain... like some drunken master training... -lol
^ you're seriouly really wierd... (now i know y ecko) I dont like using quote b/c i think it waste space =) , i only use it when 'm replying to someone like 2 spacse before
^ maybe he's (maybe she.. i dont even know anymore) an undercover cop who tries to lure pedafiles & capture them...
Ohhh CS.... are you talking about CS 1.6 or CS:S b/c I only play Source (even though i aint part of this converstation).... I'll AWP you good -clapclap
I can see you're scared already... so what is it... are you gonna go on... are ya??? -devil i play sourcd