I'm not desperate to find a partner. I'm single and I'm happy. I'm enjoying life, haha. Seriously I have lot of work and i don't have time to meet new people. The reason why I'm single is really out of my personal choice.
psshhh... miss 'independent' what you need is a mexican... not a bf... you can be a good gf when you do things your own damn self.. -lol
mmm...ever tried dating a friend ya mst of fancied then??? mayb he/she could be interested in becomin more than friends ...friends become lovers ^^
haih... i not desperate areayd anymore, but i was once. i find out that when u chase after then they run away as far as they could when u start to give up they come back to u when that time the heat is aready gone they come back to u. is like when u keep catching a fish they run very fast and avoid... if u treat them super slow or don;t care aready they will come to u let u eat.... PHY PHY come to malaysia->kuala lumpur, i make a dating party for u to choose guy
Best friends becoming lovers...Those normally only happen in tv dramas hahaha....But, i would not wanna lose a good friend when we break up or something its like losing 2 things in 1 shot...first a lost love and secondly losing friendship....So, not cool....