Are you proud of being Chinese?

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by hkm91450, Aug 2, 2006.


Are you proud of being Chinese?

  1. Yes

    505 vote(s)
  2. No

    17 vote(s)
  3. I don't care

    42 vote(s)
  1. J-Online

    J-Online Member

    Definitly chinese people are best...we will soon conquer the world militarily, economically, culturalally!
  2. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    DUDE, that's so messed up. I mean it's not even about being unique, you just have to be proud of your own race and culture. I mean it's just being proud of who and what you are.

    Dude, I'm surrounded by Chinese people in SF. I don't feel as "unique" as I would like to, but I feel I still am unique. It's just a matter of being a unique individual, regardless of what race you are.
  3. champ91

    champ91 Well-Known Member

    chinese people are the best, we are the "chosen" people........-rolleyes
    Toyota vios
    #243 champ91, Jul 8, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  4. lcwc1988

    lcwc1988 Member

    Yes. I am. There are more people speaking Chinese than another other languages. There are Chinese in every country big or small.
  5. hongkongboy

    hongkongboy Well-Known Member

    the chinese owns!
  6. Myer

    Myer Well-Known Member

    I'm shocked by the fact many posts here are pretty chauvinistic. It isn't right to think your own race is superior to others.

    Btw, how can you be proud of something that you are not accountable for? I think you can only be proud of things you have achieved, you have done by yourself. And not by your birth.

    The only thing that matters is to be a good human.
  7. Li-thal

    Li-thal Active Member

    dude stfu, if ur not proud of being chinese go be japan's lil bitch or be hanjian

    yellow power!!!
  8. Myer

    Myer Well-Known Member

    What a meaningful post.
  9. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    proud chinese right here, represent!!!! p.s. representing the viets too ha.


    being chinese is cool
    apparently everyone loves our food
    everything is made in china (almost)
    only thing i dont like are the stereotypes...
    but thats because of other people haha
  11. ckhar

    ckhar Well-Known Member

    yeh i am very proud to be chinese!!!!
  12. cheungpwnz

    cheungpwnz Well-Known Member

    I'm very proud of being chinese too, i bet the 8 people who said "no" got bullied at school because they were chinese, hahaha
  13. Yong-Shi

    Yong-Shi Well-Known Member

    It seems as though your friend has been subjected to something called internalized racism (hating one's own race) in which she has been somehow pressured to agree with the distortions of racism. Maybe it has to do with the possibility that she feels discriminated against by others who are not the same race as her. I don't know what her situation is, but I guess it makes her feel as if she isn't able to maintain a sense of having importance or superiority just because she is Chinese.

    I think a lot of other people are like that too, but it ranges with each individual. I've had a friend of a friend who doesn't like being Chinese and wishes instead to be white like her peers. But personally, I feel proud to be Chinese because that's who I am, and I won't let the pressures of racial discrimination bring me down.

    And yes, I've been to Canada before (actually, very recently) and it feels like the Chinese community there is very close-knitted and I feel as though there's sense of cultural togetherness shared by the Chinese that doesn't really exist where I live (in San Francisco). In SF, a lot of Asians are seemingly "white-washed," and because I grew up there, I've adopted the same type of perception about my cultural identity - that is, not really caring about being Chinese. But now, I've changed a bit, partly sprouting from the influence of my HK friends studying abroad in the U.S., haha.
  14. weedpeach

    weedpeach Well-Known Member

    of course i am!!!(even though i'm only partially chinese) wth? everyone should be proud of what their race is, no matter what.
    if that woman doesnt want to be chinese she doesnt deserve to be chinese!!
    whats wrong with being chinese? its not like we're being looked down by at people!!
    whats so good about other races just cuz they invent technology and stuff?
    everyone's treated the same way no matter what!!
    its not like, oh, the japanese created this, they are of a more higher level and should gain more respect than us!!! we are all equal!! that woman has a problem!!
  15. sean222

    sean222 Well-Known Member

    i dont like the american life.....being cbc really blows, its boring
  16. yanny

    yanny New Member

    Darn ur fren....the chinese are the most money minded ppl in the world and the China economic grew multifold in just a decade...we hav the ability to rebuilt other's ppl technology in a very low cost production...we are the one of the biggest race in the world and of coz we proud of our kung fu besides of our smart mind....hav u heard of 'man mou sheung chuin' (in canto)? thats wut we are....I'M DARN PROUD OF MY SELF OF BEING A CHINESE!!!!!
  17. HiNg

    HiNg Well-Known Member

    im proud of bein chinese n we all should be. china is da best!!!!
  18. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    ^^ I'm very proud to be chinese even though I don't live in China. We have a religion that allows us to choose our actions but teaches us to think carefully and be wise. And chinese are intelligent people especially when it comes to money, business and planning. We're pretty hard-working people. We have very unique festivals of our own, with fascinating stories behind them. Like the mooncake festival? Not very realistic but it's very good and helps to build our imagination right? It also makes us respect other animals (rabbit on the moon?). The lunar calendar animal's race was cool. I mean, Disney actually had a show about this.

    There's a lot about our race that is special and interesting, our origins, traditions, believes, stories, history, etc. We Chinese are unique and it's really part of who we are, in our upbringing, down to our very genes. So, yes, I am very very proud to be chinese. And I won't believe a word of anyone who tries to tell me otherwise. Their loss. =)
  19. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    it all depends what im proud of
  20. linderrfulxP

    linderrfulxP Well-Known Member

    Yes, I am definitely proud of being Chinese. :) Here in New York, I have many friends who are extremely proud of being Chinese. ^_^ Even though there's so many of us, that doesn't mean we can't be proud of who we were born to become. I like being Chinese and I like my culture even though I wasn't born in China. =) Being Asian American is special to me and I'm very proud that I am Asian American. :D