maybe coz we're still young and still not mature yet... me and my gf, we been together for like 8 years now (on and off)....sometimes i feel we need some time gf is generally lonely maybe that's why she's so attached to me... i guess everyone has their problems too... but if you really like the girl, then stay with her, coz you might regret it.... but since we're still young and there's plenty of time to find the right person...then maybe breaking up is a better choice...
I would have to say break up with her. ^___^ mutual understanding is good though...if you really don't have feelings for her, i think its best to let it go then to drag it on.
seriously it sounds like you know that you're over her and the worst thing you can and do is let it drag on. this situation reminds me of one of my guy friends...his ex was one of the clingy types and he ended dragging it on cuz he didn't want to hurt her feelings. in the end they both had to suffer for it. so IF you don't have anymore feeling for her end it. as for the formal and friends part, it's your relationship. they'll get over it and seriously if they're both of your friends they'll understand. however, i see that her and her friends might think you're a jerk for dumping her right before formal but it's better than dumping her right ex bf and i mutually broke up before formal but we still ended up going together as friends which ended up being a lot of fun. but it depends. dunno how "understanding" the two of you are with each other...
lol it's pretty easy isn't it? just wait until everythings over (formal & bday) then.. you know. that's quite harsh actually because it seems u just wana be wit her for face..
omg lol. different people have different ways of expressing their love. not necessarily through those lovey dovey words. lol i think ur gf is still young and doesnt know what she wants. talk to her about it and tell her about your bill. talking on phone everyday isnt really necessary unless both of you love talking to each other alot. lol
hmm.. mayb u can talk with her.. if she still insist..=.=.. and u had no more feeling with her.. then u can think out abt
you have to be wise! talk to her only after 9 oclock and before 7 am! that will save you 400 dollars of the telephone bills! and you shouldn't have to force yourself to be with her for the convenience of others. Follow your heart bro!