Argh.. stress... :P

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by raven2k, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. wolf

    wolf Well-Known Member

    Take it from a guy who used to be in your shoes. That I don't want to be in a relationship is total BS. Think about it, if some handsome guy who looks like a model, who is loaded, has a nice body asked her if she wanted to be in a relationship, what do u think she would say? Its time to move on. She isn't worth your time and effort you would put into chasing her. You have a much better chance of getting a girl who is interested in you then one who isn't.
  2. Aznguy123

    Aznguy123 Well-Known Member

    No mean No.

    But! When you are talking to her... ask her the same question again..... if the answer is still no! throw a chasiewbao, bolobao, laiwongbao, hamsupbao , gaylobao , GOTOHELLBAO! look for someone esle that you have an interest in :D then that way when you walk past her be like "HI have you MET XXXXX"