Well but don and THY are more excited and conscious about the autheticity of the hypothetic photo in question... Logical explanation: don and THY wanted to see the photo more than BR.
I DID NOT ask for his picture just to see HIM... HE offered me proof of his 'asset' with a picture... As for the video.. I wonder who's mentioned it. -whistle
i just don't get why your on BR's side......did she just show you a picture of her? he offered you but you could of said NO....i don't want to see it.....instead of saying that ....you said YES! totally want to see it
@THY: I am sure a lot of guys who "don't swing that way" are inconspicuously comparing their size in the locker room, no shame in that darling. If you cannot face it, how can you be evil? -lol @don: What picture? I didn't see it... did you forward to the right PM??? -huh But she's my evil twin alright Now now, it's just impolite to turn people down when they are so excited and eager to offer
@THY: Oh I wasn't accusing you that you are not happy with the way you are, just that it's quite conspicuous when we mention "checking out another guy's thing", homosexuality comes to mind first to you. Is all. Peace. ^.^V
A bit over 5 inches. It depends on the weather too right? It will be longer when it's hot than when it's freezing.
anyone up for those spam emails...n we all know what those are about..now..lets keep it clean in here folks...
to an extent...yes. other wise..close for u! ahahah...we're having an influx of sex related threads lately...