if you decide to go to military it wasn't my fault okie but remember its not a joke ur ass will get kicked and you will get a reality check no doubt... but i see few options that are realistic for those who wanna support themselves straight out of high school well long term anyways.
that my parents are only forcing me to do the things i hate for my own benefits. and that i should stop caring for only myself, and start becoming less ignorant, think of how my parents feel, become more grateful for the things that are presented to me, and that not everyone is given the oppurtunities that i have received. and finally stop being a whiny kid and grow up.
well best thing to do is that in a few months time when we don't hear from you about this subject again then you know that you have succeeded and have learnt something mmmkay?
Only time will tell. We only learn from our mistakes and this is the experience. Part of the learning curve in life.
very nice. cause i can tell you I took things for granted and learned the hard way... I am lucky to be in the position I am in today academically, financially and as a person.... I still do not agree with my parents, especially my mother a lot. Simply because I have adopted a different view on life, and that is ok cause I have been trying to be more considerate and understanding of how she thinks and I have been doing my best to correct how I behave towards her demands. I'm not 16 like you... I'm 24 and I look back and realize I messed up and I am still trying to pick back up the pieces... it's definitely not easy. You are young and ignorant to the real world, no matter how much you think you know. Don't take that in a bad way because that is just how life is... you really do not understand the weight of working to provide for your family who depend on you to raise a child, and that is only a small piece to the larger puzzle.
LMAO. I grew up close to the projects. My dad beat my mom when I was younger. They are divorced now. My dad gambled half of our income away. I got a $10 allowance per week until I was 17 and old enough to work. I worked from 17 till today, and when I was 17, 18 and 19, all of my money goes to my mother. I didn't own my own cell phone until I was 18. I never had the privilege to learn piano (or violin) even though I LOVED the piano as a kid. My parents were to poor to afford it. I LOVED art but was discouraged from it as a child. I get beat if I bring home grades under a B. I get beat by my father so bad that my mother cries. I disappoint my mother so bad that she cries again. I grew up with drug dealers, gangsters and went to school in areas you don't even want to live in; gun shots every other week. My parents are on my shit like no other. They disapproved of a lot of things I did. My father told me I couldn't graduate from high school. Guess what? I graduated from high school, I graduated from college. I have job offers from multiple places that WANT me. And my parents fucking RESPECT me and I RESPECT them. Both of my parents changed because now they LISTEN to what I have to say. My father wouldn't dare raise his voice when I'm here, my mother won't shed a single tear because I won't allow it. You think you're going through tough shit, I can tell you there are millions of people going through harder times then you are. Yeah, you understand that your parents are only looking out for you, but Ralph is totally right. Your perception of your world is one twisted drama filled isolated thought. When you're mature enough to see beyond that, then you will realize the shit you think you're going through right now is no shit at all.
You deserve a Blue Peter badge well the gold one XD If only there's some sort of empathy technology for allowing people to experience what others have experienced by going through selected memories Well done on the success though matey If only I had the drive to do something similar but in a bit more priviledged background
everyone can have the drive. just set urself goals and ambition. ambition is the drive to work hard and then who knows what ur able to achieve.
Maybe your parents were brought up that way, and now that method is being brought upon you. Just hope when you have kids, you don't be a "ma fan" parent...lol
I never post on this forum, but reading this, I was reminded a lot of myself when I was 16, too. I understand where you're coming from -- I didn't have the blissful white picket fenced family I thought all my peers had. I always tried to be understanding of my parents, to put myself in their shoes, but I could never understand why they couldn't do the same. I remember just wanting a shred of normalcy that my peers had. I vocalized all of this, too. I wanted to major in psych, any my parents never disagreed, but strongly alluded to other career paths. (Think about it: if your parents were really, for lack of a better term, bad, they would restrict any freedom for you to pursue your own dreams, slap you sideways, and insist on a more practical major or you get the boot.) I was so stubborn and adamant in my ways that I wanted out. I didn't cut off ties with my family (never wanted to!), but I did become financially independent after high school. With that, my parents were much less "ma fan." Anyways, with that said, I don't think there is any way to resolve the "problem" because it really isn't a problem to begin with. I don't think you will ever be able to grasp your parents' perspective until you are at that age, raising your own children, no matter how much you'd like to think otherwise. As your parents see it, you are their child and they will prepare you the best for life that they know how. What you are experiencing right now is just all part of the growing pains. Respect what your parents are doing for you now even if it seems too much. Yeah, perhaps you have to help out around the house, get the occasional physical discipline, and can't be pampered as much as your parents want you to be, but realize how much you can contribute at 16 (chores, money) is a drop in a bucket to how much your parents have given you out of parental love. You realize it more and more when you get older that everything they do is really in hopes that it will benefit you. TBH, I am so, so incredibly thankful that my parents cared enough to care that much for me, and still do. While I might not agree with all of their ways, they instilled in me so much sense, strength, and values to take care of myself once I left the nest. I have a much better understanding and appreciation of it now, and thus, a stronger communicative relationship with my parents that wasn't there before when I was so blinded by my own stubbornness. Eek, I didn't mean to write so much! On the bright side, since you will have years of cooking experience under your belt, you won't have to rely on ramen once you're in college.
Guys guys, I think this is resolved. No need to continue to give more advice as im sure he has already rethought over everything. No need to make him feel even worse..