^ From my experience, I would say many Caucasians aren't even trying to remember how a particular Asian (say a colleague from another department) looks like.
well, every race has their owe perspectives. like maybe we'll think all other races look alike. while they think their opposite races all look alike. iernos ;x
Asians look similar in the eyes of non-asians but if ure asian you can probably tell if sum1 is korean or chinese or wateva, cos ure exposed to factors that make u recognise and prolly guess wat race an asian is
asain people look alike to other race, there eyes and sh*t, but its ok, although i am asain and i can tell from different asains. im good enough to tell if the girl had plastic surgery or not too.
When you have a large group of people, all of the same ethnic background, they're all going to look alike to you.
Arr... I hate these stereotypes. Asian people DO NOT LOOK ALIKE. Can you say that someone from HK looks like someone from the mainland... northern mainland? Or someone from Japan looks like someone from the Filipines. That's what bothers me, with most Caucasians not able to tell the difference and then they go around making stereotyped judgments. Like for example, often times in my city, there are drug brawls and shootings involving Viets, but lots of Caucasians can't tell the difference and think its Chinese and then us Chinese get the bad rep. On the street, I can - about 95% of the time - identify someone's nationality because there are distinguishing features with each race!! (surprise?) Even more, I can identify people who are local born versus people who are quote "fobs", ie. CBC versus an international student. So in conclusion, ASIAN PEOPLE DO NOT LOOK ALIKE> >>>____<<<" I know this might seem superficial and shallow - but when I identify myself, I don't identify myself as "Asian". That is just not right enough for me. I am not "Asian". I identify myself as Chinese, preferably Chinese-south-Hong-Kong-canto-speaking-.
What gets me most is they actually think all asians have slanty slit eyes. Uh, no we don't. There are so many cases where we have even bigger eyes than them. Fucktards.
lol its just that the ones that DO have slanty eyes have the slantiest eyes ever. i know a chinese dude who has such tiny eyes you never know if he is actually looking at you or not, or even whether his eyes are actually open, hahaha.
And the fattest people I continuously see are caucasian. I almost died from suffocation the last time I went to a theme park from all the corpulence, and from throwing up in my mouth enough to digest my teeth with all the stomach acids I regurgitated. I hope this stereotype sticks. It should.
lol i dunno about most fat people being 'caucasian'... americans for sure, but i dont think most europeans fit that stereotype
europeans are getting bigger too (not as huge as americans just yet)...&& same goes for ppl in china...heapsa kids are overweight nowadays.. the government is trying to stimulate the parents to make their kids exercise abt asians look alike...u cant blame ppl who arent asian... how can they tell difference between korean or japanese or chinese i mean its same thing as i cant see difference btween english, dutch and german if theyd all just stand still and dont talk...and for christs sake.. i was born and raised in NL... or or....someone from senegal, angola or nigeria....sorry really cant tell whos from where... u can call me a racist now..but its my opinion....i cant help it *shrugs shoulder*
well not all asians look alike, there can be difference in skin colour depending on the races u encounter. like for example u wouldn't say a chinese and an indian look alike would you? but i do get confused sometimes over people with same skin colour, like a Thai with a Vietnamese, a Malay with an Indonesian. but by and large, they are not too difficult to differentiate, like i can roughly tell a japanese from a korean based on their facial features. these come natural to me since i'm an asian. i guess we really need to know the different races better to learn how to differentiate them. like some people mentioned, if you were to ask me, i think all whites look the same.. *shrugs*