Depends on what you want in life, what your values are 30+...... career, independence, making my mark is more important.
Gosh u lot must be well young on here lol I used to think I would meet the right person and get married by the time I was 27/28 and have a kid by the time I was 30 but never turned out that way lol. I'm currently 31, have a successful career, have my own car and flat and had a few failed relationships in the past but currently seeing a lovely man. Still in the early stages so I can never predict what will happen. I say just do the things that you've always wanted to do and makes you happy and when the right person comes into your life, deal with the marriage thoughts then as things dont always turn out the way you want them too...
Has to be early 30s for me, so that i can concentrate on my career and have the financial infrastructure that will be needed for the future, e.g. lots of kids for me However, if i strike lucky and win the lotto then i can move my plans forward hahaha, one can only wish
i thought i would get married at 28 or 30 but got married at 23. my wife at the time finished studying and visa was gonna expire. i know it sounds suss but we decided it would be better than moving to long distance relationship or breaking up. like we thought it was worth a try at least we could stay together and see how things went. now its like 2.5yrs on still going good.
prob round 25ish-28 so by then i would of lived life to the fullest and have done lots of stupid things b4 being serious with starting a family
I want to get married before 26. I just don't want to be too old when I get married, but of course, I can't always get things my way..
Getting married any age is good i reckon, aslong as you do it who heartedly. Its the kids thats the thing that can ruin relationships if both parties don't have common goals.
Personally... 22 + would be ok I'd like to start a family early. Take care of teh kids while i'm still young also decreases the generation gap a bit. another thing is I'd like my other half to grow with me we will know we have become what we are because of each other (at teh age of 50-60 +)