Boy, you've been watching too many TVB series *laff* Avant? He's not interested in me. He made that pretty clear a while ago...Besides, what makes you think I'd be interested in him? What kind of guy uses multiple smiley faces in "almost" every one of his posts? *laff*
Only automatic :( .. I wish I knew manual. But then again, how many girls actually know how to drive manual ? -lol
-what? It's called PERSONALITY love. Learn to like it or deal with it... Actually... I think a better question is why are you noticing how often I post smilies? Haha.
im up for manual, more control as with recent news a guy with a auto bmw went out of control 130MPH WITH NO BRAKES
i drive an automatic but would like to learn how to drive stick eventually. my brother keeps bugging me to buy a manual car but i don't know how to drive it so it really wouldn't be worth it for me.