haha i was actually thinking about to brake! but since i drove my sisters car, i just didnt want cause big problems
Lol. I get that a lot. Especially since I only have my learner's permit. Speeding = really high insurance premiums for me haha.
I for one am a courteous driver. I'm always leaving junctions clear, letting people merge . But I HATE it when they don't give you the "thank you wave". its not hard. it just take a second. But obviously we all make mistakes from time to time, just ask Tiger Woods.
i dun think there is any problem with speedy drivers, i just dun like drivers that are turtle (like 2 hands on the wheel, head is like almost to the glass). totally don't know how to drive, or i should say thinking about the rules of driving so much that makes thing dangerous. that is wat i think are bad drivers.
When I drive, I am always very grateful to people who let merge out of courtesy, I return a thank you wave, but can anyone really see? I can't really see when I let people in.
I think African drivers are morons, they always cut in front of you from nowhere and think the road's theirs! F them!
i just hate those people who turn onto your lane from the opposite direction like...20 or less feet in front of you and then you have to step on the brakes so that you don't hit them.
i absolutely hate slow and dumb ass drivers, i get so much road rage from that.. it irks me to the point i pull up and start screaming from my lungs
i did not want to make a new thread for something that is very much related to this thread. how the FUCK does someone manage to hit a PARKED CAR, when the lot only has 5 FUCKING CARS in a 100 car capacity lot.... must be my bad day
some bitch from florida nearly hit me when I was crossing the bridge today FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU if you don't know how to drive in my state then go back to your own state!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are drivers who hug the middle lane of express ways. They don't budge and so you have to overtake fron the right (UK) or from the left -the slow lane. More often than not they are not aware that they are doing so.
http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/05/intel-connected-cars-will-record-your-bad-driving-for-posterity/ Intel's gonna make big bucks in Markham Ontario