Bad Drivers

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by christykwan, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. jian04

    jian04 Member

    I hate people that can't drive....but I have people who can't parallel park or park their car's for their life even more....How the hell are you going to hit my bumper like a million times when the freaking space is big enough for 4 cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. dev0tionz

    dev0tionz Member

    some people just can't drive for sake. especially those who drive and talk on the phone. geez, look at your frickin surrounding before you make a turn or change lanes. And they need to look at the traffic BEHIND and INFRONT of them. Gosh. How hard is it to pulled over and talk on the phone ORRR call them back when you get home. ugh. they pissed me off
  3. neofj

    neofj Active Member

    I have been driving for quite a few years and have seen some really bad drivers and crazy ones as well
  4. taiko_sau

    taiko_sau Member

    Bad drivers are like a virus.
  5. You will always encounter bad drivers where ever you go in the world. These drivers should not be allowed on the road. They are a danger to themselves and to everyone else on the road. The worst are people who are text messaging on their phones while driving, they just keep swerving in and out of their lane.
  6. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    I dont mind slow driver.. but it was so annoying when they come to an intersection which they going to turn left and they NEVER signal. I learned my lesson which i always dont follow them that close. And it annoying i have to switch to my right lane so i can keep going..

    I hate slow driver when they trying to cut Lane and they are doing 40mph..

    Okay i hate slow driver. They not slow when the light going to change and speed up to 50mph...

    I also hate dumb driver those that keep cutting lane and eventually i was ahead of them.
  7. simplicityo9

    simplicityo9 Member

    i hate people who drive poorly. as i always say, it's fine they want to put their lives at risk, but don't put others' lives at risk too!
  8. hunbun914

    hunbun914 Member

    Honestly hate drivers who try to rush their yellow-red light to make a right turn. Yes, they like to rush thru there. And then they drive slow in front of you....

    Or when they drive slow on the passing lane blocking the whole traffic....if you wanna take your time, take it on the right lane please >.<""
  9. sunshinestate

    sunshinestate Member

    I hate it when some one cuts out of a driveway when there are clearly cars going at least the speed limit and that car doesn't even make an attempt to speed up to go with the flow of traffic.

    It also irks me when drivers trying to merge onto a highway don't even slow down and expects the other drivers to slow down for him/her. The yield sign is for the merger

    Drivers who turn without signalling get on my nerves every now and then too. If the driver is going at a high speed, use the signal to give others a heads up versus breaking insanely. Turning signals came with the car. Using them won't cost more.

    (end rant)
  10. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    I hate slow driver. First they drive slow which is okay because i respect the traffic rule. They cut me like it is okay to and never signal and i have to yield them. Also in the highway they drive like 40-45mph and trying merge to the left lane. lol are you kidding me?

    Come on people everyone drive like 60mph and do you expect ppl to stop & yield them? It suck because i'm behind them and i have to merge to left lane otherwise i have to do Exit.