I don't expect everyone to play nice and just praise. However, he could have chosen his words wiser. "collage?? wtf" has a very negative connotation in this case. There are more tactful ways of getting that type of point across. When I feel someone is barking too far, I bark back, just my nature. You agreed to some of his points, but you did it much more gracefully, hense no one calling you out -rockon
So which one of the Mods did contestant number 1, 2, and 3 had to sleep with in order to get nominated...-rolleyes
you need to relax lol. we will have other banner contests....when we do you can enter and hopefully win it? since your so eagarly confident.
yo this a contest we gotta cut some throats to make it exciting!! -lol some NBC made for tv prime time type ish... and I think we should have all three contestants on here throwing slander n obscenities at each other... -clapclap
lol we got more creators than voters and the 50 post restriction.. hahahaha.. that limited even more potential voters..
lol almost 2 months since las post.. and the winner finally was decided... I pretty much new #1 would win... =/. Now that it's over.. what does everyone think?