PEOPLE (US ONLY) .. WHAT did OBAMA proposed that on his platforms that you had to vote for him? I BET 80% of those who voted for him don't even know shit about his platforms. Racists? Yeah sure .. you know why? I don't wanna pay more taxes to benefit "the" group of people who don't work but fuck all day long; shooting out babies like shitting on the toilet just to suck up on the welfare money.
^lol ur definitely a republican. Do you smell what barack is cookin? hahahahhaha just saw this today too bad its over but lol waiting for that. he sounds like the rock.
Yeah I seriously wonder how that happened.. I'm not so happy about it. I am, however, SUPER GLAD Measure K didn't pass in SF. I don't want no prostitutes coming to my city and running around everywhere. pffffft! haha.
Disclaimer: I very rarely get involved with political discussions, but discourse involving race and equal rights is always something that I've made a personal effort to participate in. Ethnic or racial solidarity in the vote is easily understandable. Far from being stupid, ethnicity or race is an immutable arbiter that defines the origins of a candidate regardless of his actual political views; examples would be Clarence Thomas and the late Thurgood Marshall. Both jurists (one currently sitting) and very obviously black; they would probably have a fist fight if they happened to be together in the same room (or perhaps say, in the Taiwanese legislature [1]). That is, despite their similar skin, they are exact political opposites. Additionally, had the candidate been named Wong or Nakamura, would the above participant so easily label other Asians (or themselves even) as stupid, if they had cast their vote out of ethnic solidarity? I don't think so. Most politicians already understand and accept this, and that is why they specifically court particular race or ethnic groups in their campaign efforts. It is often the racist that fails to appreciate or understand the political need or power in this. Further, the very obvious lumping together of black political figures from distinctly polar fields leads me to conclude that the second argument above is based primarily on race and not politics. The putting together of Condelezza Rice (a staunch republican and hard line conservative) with Jessie Jackson (a democrat and well established advocate of liberal cause celebre) into the same group would be akin to marrying a Bush to a Kennedy, and seeing nothing wrong simply because both happen to be white. To those that would fall face first into the seductive racist trap; my suggestion is, don't let your extremist views cloud your political judgment. In terms of the economic growth argument, the above sentiments are misguided as well as misplaced. Many of the young here may not remember that only one president ago, the US experienced its best economy ever; with a surplus, and was actually paying down the national debt. Now, just one president later, the US is involved in two separate wars and nearly bankrupt. Should we blame that on a black man who hasn't even set his foot in the door yet, or the white man pardoning all his henchmen as he quietly leaves by the back door? Oh and BTW, you're right in that Palin probably caused McCain more harm than good; early on, she was shown to be more interested in political self preservation than furthering the interests of either her boss or her party. She would have been much more appropriate as a libertarian candidate. Would anyone here actually have felt more comfortable with her, in a position one heartbeat from the presidency? Like, imagine Dick Cheney in a skirt with PMS? As for taxation? Why do we need it? Because a country cannot run without it. The rich will always want to hold their money but the rich can best afford to give some of theirs up; that is why the next president's taxation plan has wide appeal to the average wage earner. The very rich have the luxury of not being American if they think it's too expensive; they have enough money to leave if they don't like it. But most stay and look upon the taxation as sorta like country club dues. They don't like paying it, but they have to if they want to stay in the club. Alternatively, we've already seen what happens if you don't raise enough taxes. We issue debt at such a high rate that it becomes nearly worthless. Americans, especially republicans, have had a very hard time accepting this; that the dream of Ronald Reagan's small government has ballooned under Bush to be the worst in terms of federal spending in history. Moreover, there was no accountability or oversight for anything. Other than frantic finger pointing, the economy was allowed to wreck on the shoals of money grubbing insider deals (starting with Enron) that now threaten the very existence of the United States. Obama didn't win because he was black. Obama won simply because, after the rape of the nation by Bush, et al, Obama had the most believable story to sell. His being black didn't matter to that many voters. And guess what, but God did bless America. In a few more weeks that sonnofabitch that destroyed this country will finally be out. [1] Illustration used of Taiwanese legislative debates, which are especially noted for devolving into actual physical brawls; with chair hurling, bags of feces being thrown (no, I'm not kidding), and choking your opponent by the neck being considered normal everyday happenstance.
It's definitely amazing by how much Obama won by.... I just hope that Obama will get Clinton's advisers to help him run the White House...
It was a slam dunk. I remember with other elections, we always had to wait until the west coast finalized their results before they could announce a winner. The winning margin was so big that it was very obvious very early. That's why Mac gave his concession speech so quickly. Probably wanted to just get home, put it all behind him, and get finally get a good night's sleep.
congrats to obama knew he was gonna win after mccain picked palin for VP anyway, did any1 else notice the holograms by CNN that was awesome
oh yea i heard about the california thing against gay marriage. shame rele i thought they were gonna drop that and it would still be allowed. pity that they are against it considering we were able to get past the prejudice for race and allow obama to win.
erm im sorta confused about this sorta cause im from uk.. so obama wins in he has officially become the new president ?
he's president elect, he theoretically has no powers till his inaugeration which is i think either january or february of '09... at which time, Bush will see his ass kicked out of the white house... seriously... does neone really believe Bush deserves to be called "Mr. President"/"President Bush" and have FBI protection for the rest of his life? should really strip that from him for the last 8yrs -.-;
so what if obama is black? so what if more black people come into play of politics? did you not get anything of what obama said on his acceptance speech? it doesn't matter if you are black, white, asian, hispanic or wuteva you are. what matters is that we come in this together as one nation being Americans. it doesn't matter what race you are. We are in this together and we will get out of this together. the rich gets richer. the poor gets poorer. it's time for a change we need. the upper classes can afford to pay their taxes and that's not even the majority of the nation. it's only a very little amount of people. these avaricious mahfuckers are enjoying themselves while the other majority of the nation are suffering. You claim McCain is for the majority of the nation? that mahfucker has 3 houses and not once has he mentioned any sympathy for the middle class voters in his debates. he looked cold as fuck. yea sure, he can be still be better off than most americans at hard times like this and dares to say that the fundamentals of our economy are strong. get the fuck outta here nukka!!!! I live in New York City and work at a pharmacy and i see a superfluous amount of people who can't even afford their god damn medical bills and medications. guess what? they ain't even just blacks. they consist of lots of asians, white and blacks together. If you can't even be patriotic and accept a black person who is also an american as your president then get out of here. the airport is right around the corner. you can get out of this country with your money and disown your country.
for the record guys... b4 u all keep blasting rich people... they make up like 5% of the entire US population... even if u suck on their teets by taxing them by something like 60%+... it won't make that much of a difference to now... honestly... the things both candidates have said they're going to do to fix economy sounds fine, cept they don't make a lick of sense on either side... if u think one side woulda been saving Americans more money than the other ur an idiot and bit hook line and sinker on their bullsh*t... both idiots woulda spent just as much money as the other, the only difference is how they were gonna do it and who's plan u believed might have actually worked... in the long run, i think McCain's plan would have worked out better than most people give him credit for... McCain wanted to lower people's payments, Obama wants to give people more money to make payments... u decide which works better -.-; everyone's crying for government to step in and help out now... but once those people have been helped they're gonna start crying for more independence, less government, more freedoms, less taxes, better health care, etc... well u can't get better health care when everyone's getting free shitty health care since most of the good doctors would be working at the private hospitals... sorry i ran on this rant... but everyone has to remember, there will be reprecussions for choosing one or the other, in my mind both candidates are great, sound and intelligent men... but their agenda's just suck ass and I can't choose either one cuz neither help me... and that's what it's all about in the end... what I want... so deal... o and that whole "rich get richer and poor get poorer" bit... is bullsh*t... it totally depends on what ur definition of poor really is... people that are labled "poor" in the US and the government have a refrigerator, lights, a home, microwave, tv, AND CABLE...
hey ralph .. who fucking care about the past ... we care about our future. what do you study anyway? democracy 101 or econ 101?? so what if the 5% of the nation is rich?? who's gonna reinvest into the econ - innovation and business creation?? Certainly not the poor or the middle class???? having the brain ain't cutting it, you gotta have the resources too. who would wanna invest in a country where they're being taxed more just cuz they earned more. investment is a huge risk itself. like aoes mentioned above, what's the definition of poor and rich?? OBAMA's definition is anyone earning >$250K a year should be taxed more .. WTF is that?? if you live in California (SF) or New York (NYC), we are bounded to be taxed more. that's not fucking helping us middle class, is it??? if a married couple are managers/doctors, the incomes are way above that amount but the living standard is just high in these areas so we end up coughing up more money for a failing system and guess what, these managers/doctors are not RICH, they worked their asses off to earn that kind of money. next stop, health care?? obama ain't helping the poor either. the plans proposed a slight cut premium (God knows what the amt is) but what the poor want is FREEEEEEEEE. Shit, wtf do OBAMA know about being POOR when he HAD NEVER BEEN POOR himself. IN FACT, even his own people hated him to begin with. HE LOOKED DOWN on his own people. IF anyone recalled what REVEREND JESSE JACKSON slip up on an interview. The fact that OBAMA is supported by BLACK cuz he is BLACK. NO, I ain't a republican either. MCCAIN is just another fucking lousy ass candidate and had he won the presidency, it's just a matter of time before he drop dead in the white house and have the witch Palin knows nothing but make a fool out of herself and the nation. I AM for the GREEN. IF Ya'll WANT CHANGE, that's REAL CHANGE. NO more republican and democrat as president.