who is osama bin liden? if your trying to suggest that obama and his administration are terrorists, a better name for him would be "Obama bin Biden"
dude wtf? i thought you were chill and all but wtf? why you gotta be saying shit like this? i've noticed that most people who voted republican accuse obama of ignorant shit like "OH SHI- A MUSLIM" or "OH SHI- A TERRORIST" like what the fuck? don't be a fucking ignorant and saying stupid shit like this
ignorant .... hmmm.am i?? anyway, it was meant to be a joke .. i am over it now .. nice to drain all the anger about the election of my head .. lol .. it feels good to have my clear up and move on .. what a relief ... lol
the White House will change into Black House as soon as possible. the painter is starting the job. -desphinx- is wild boar animals
Re politics, republicans, democrats I'm not fully republican or democrat, but lean towards republican. Just because Bush is an idiot, doesn't mean all republicans are idiots. McCain partly lost because the typical lay American assumes that because he's Republican that he'll be like Bush. Democrats are good in several areas, eg pushing the effort for a greener planet, trying to find solutions to the health care system (though their plan is horrible), and supporting subsidies for education. However, in the overwhelming majority of the time, Democrats' only solution to funding these "fixes" is by raising taxes, instead of cutting politicians' own money filled coffers and silver lined pockets. Republicans are good because in general, they promote smaller government, free will, free trade, and lower taxes. Because of them, we have lower capital gains taxes, better marginal tax rates, and a fluorishing economy. Those who accuse republicans of "not regulating the financial and housing industry enough" need to think a level deeper. Did someone put a gun to people's heads who took a gamble and bought more house than they could afford, hoping it's value would increase so they can sell it at a profit? NO! Did someone put a gun to investment banker's heads and forced them to take a gamble and leverage themselves 30:1 in unsecured derivatives? NO! Therefore, maybe the government didn't regulate enought, but it is an outcry to say it's only their fault. These people all deserve what they got, and I say we should have let them go down burning.
Re Obama, taxes As to Obama, he criticises McCain for owning 11 homes and that he's too rich to be in touch with the middle class average American, but did he tell you he made $4 million last year (http://blogs.suntimes.com/sweet/2008/04/obamas_2007_income_tax_return.html) and that his wife spent $800 for lunch while they were campaigning in New York? So who is he to say that he's more in touch with the average middle class American? I consider myself middle class and I certainly don't make $4mil or spend $800 on lunch. The only sewage spewing out from his mouth is how he's going to raise the marginal tax rate on the top 2 brackets to fund his ideas. The wealthiest 1%of the population earn 19% of the income but pay 37% of the income tax. The top 10% pay 68% of the tab. Meanwhile, the bottom 50% —those below the median income level—now earn 13% of the income but pay just 3% of the taxes. What? So people who make more money doesn't work for it, does the money just rain down on them? Why should they carry more of the tax burden, even though they work just has hard as anyone else? They probably went through much more to get to where they are than the less wealthy. So I'm supposed to pay more because I make more to support the parasitic leeches of society (eg teenage moms who are irresponsible and got pregnant and didn't have an abortion, illegal immigrants who use our hospitals and resources for free, etc...)? I don't think so.
did anyone read the news today .. obama is reconsidering stem cell and drilling ... uhh .. yes, this may open up a lot of job possibilities and create econ growth but is he going to reverse every single things bush did for the last eight years? if so, he's doing exactly what bush did when he took office; wiped out all of that of clinton's and start everything from scratch kinda way. this will cost americans big time in the pocket. i think beside the econ, the war is the most important thing that's draining our money .. we got two wars on hand and possibly even another one or two soon if we don't reconcile the conflict relation with iran and russia.
stem cell research is not just a way to create jobs/econ growth... the point is the US needs to start looking towards the future whether it's politics, economics or sciences... the UK has been doing many many research projects on stem cells... and they're looking great so far... the US needs to step up on this... we need to move forward, and that's what Obama's doing with stem cell research, lifting the restrictions Bush put on... as far as drilling goes... we're trying to stop our dependence of foreign oil by using our own oil? how does that make sense? why not drop our dependence on oil completely? Obama isn't reversing everything Bush did, although i don't think that's entirely a bad idea... but the proposed budget plans of Bush ends each year, so no matter what Obama wants to have done, it doesn't really effect what Bush pushed to have done with our money this term... no matter who the president would have been starting in '09... there's no way around spending record amounts of money this coming term... cutting war alone won't fix our problems... we're just in one of the deepest holes we've ever dug ourselves into... Obama wants to fix everything at once, but he'll fail big time if he tries to do it... Energy, Economy and Health Care... that's going to be Obama's legacy as president... let's see how he does and what he does first b4 crying up another shit strom negiq... **** O!... and i'm gonna get pretty damn pissed off if Bush goes along with the dems to bailout Detroit... that would fckin push me over a cliff...
tbh mccain wasn't that bad, he had a gd foreign policy, however its just obama's financial policy offered so much more than mccain and from the fact that mccain is 76 years old which means that there is a gd chance that palin could have become president if he had some sort of illness and everybody knew that palin didn't rele know what she was doing.
but my god, I am still at wonder how someone could imagine to elect Palin as Vice-Preseident or even in case McCain died in office she would have been President. I have nothing against women on the top , but at least he or she as head of state should be qualified in knowledge and skill and not only with her smile and nonsense speaking. I am always amazed how Americans can be that stupid. She sure can motivitating people by appealing their base motives--> black/muslim/terrorist but this is not what I would consider as qualified. Anyone else think that living in Alaska makes you an expert about Russia? or that Africa is a country ?
wtf .. don't go around calling what others wrote as shit just cuz you don't agree w/ their pov .. lifting the stem cell research will not move the econ. why? cuz the bush admin only limited established cell lines and funding. there are a lot of stem research going on in the private sector that you don't read about which i am somewhat in the field. euro and other countries are moving along cuz they have less stringent regulatory to go through. how many "fake" stem research success have you read about .. probably a lot oversea but not the state thus far. the closest we have is the japanese scientist who's now a chief at the gladstone institute in california. as for drilling and stop relying on foreign oil doesn't create job either but destroy our environment. what really creates job is by diverting funding in to hydrogen cell or greenish research which benefit the environment and cut our reliant on oil down the roal. whilst reversing what bush did isn't a bad idea but that would take time and $$$ which we are short of now. like i said, the war is the most important thing cuz it's draining out $$$. you gotta put the gauge on the wound and stop the bleeding before it can heal. in other words, you gotta stop wasting the money on uncalled/unncessary war in which we don't benefit anything from and reconcile all "bad" international relations especially iran and russia before more wars will break out. if that's the case, not just money we will be talking about but our entire country will be at stake cuz they have nuclear weapons.
^I think u should sit down and reread what i said b4 trying to go apeshit on my comments -.-; and how does limited funding not translate to lack of progress(aka not moving the econ/science/etc...)? newayz... i wish u would stop crying over our current foreign relations and blowing it up out of proportions by taking us to nuclear war... Iran is a perfectly sane country who's just trying to defend themselves... the only people thinking about carpet bombing Iran sit in Bush's cabinet and are gonna get kicked out in 2 months... so unless Bush decides to blow up Iran on Christmas, pull ur underwear outta ur ass -.-;... and Russia's always gonna go crazy when they're pissed off... but when it comes to US/Russia relationships, the US will always have the upper hand since the US does have more allies... namely China since we owe them over half a trillion dollars... o and we can't forget that they're too busy dealing with economic melt down atm to nuke us... o and btw... China and NK used to be buddy buddy as well... but once they "tested" a "nuke" who'd China side with? that's right ... so slow ur roll son and just watch the man do his job first... he hasn't even sat in the chair yet and ur all ready trying to pull it out from under him...
limited funding does not necessary translates into lack of progress .. where the hell did you study your econ? the demand for stem research is extremely high in the private sector. as for wmd .. gotta prepare for the worst. everywhere you go, ppl hate the americans. let me tell you .. china is still backing nk from behind regardless of what happened .. you could look things up on your own. us is losing ground with a lot of its allies cuz we have lost our integrity when we declared war in the mid east against the united nation recommendation. we're globalize now, us is no longer the big bro like in the past. it's fucking naive to think the way you think now. and lastly, i don't "cry" .. why should i? those dumbasses who voted obama like they did bush should not complain and go down with the shit for putting them there.
that goes for every candidate running president... u never know whats gonna happen... u just have to vote n hope they will actually do some good...
i believe if there is no funding, u can't do nething... regardless of how the private sector works... restrictions are restrictions... u can't maximize potential... I don't know where u study economics... but with limited resources u can't produce to ur max potential can u? hence a hinderance of progress... as far as the world hating Americans... the world doesn't hate Americans... the world hates what America is doing, the world hates what the American Government is doing... it's the same way for how Americans hate how China's government governs... Americans(majority) dont' hate Chinese people, they hate the government... why else do u think the world has been watching the American presidential election so closely this time around?... it's true everything is globalized and the US isn't the same power it used to be... but until the greenback is no longer the backbone of the world economy, there's nothing u can say or do to convince anyone that the US isn't still the biggest player in the world right now, politically or economically... i'm sorry m8, but bullets, tanks and wmd's aren't today's weapons of war anymore... its money... and plz... ur passing judgement on a man because he's black and he has a similar last name to some guy hiding in a cave in pakistan... 3 months b4 he even gets to decide whether he wants regular or decaf on his desk... not to mention ur misleading urself on his policies and how our tax dollars are gonna be spent... all this because he mentions a few things he wants to do during his term... for all we know he wants to do both aforementioned things a year after he clears our entire national debt and lowers our taxes to 2% a year... :Talktohand: