Being fat/skinny matter to opposite sex?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by aniking_7, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    i dont care about what others think,
    for me this question is about attraction, and sadly fat people aren't attractive to me
  2. Spike23qq

    Spike23qq Well-Known Member

    I think sometimes height is an me lol.
    Just my personal opinion..i would hope for a girl that is at least similar height to me..
    As for being fat or skiny...i guess its not a huge issue...unless we talking about super fat..then no hehe.
  3. Teardrops@

    Teardrops@ Active Member

    ^ Heh high is also an issue for me too :p Don't know why, but shorter girls are more attractive to me.
  4. will4eva7k

    will4eva7k Well-Known Member

    to me, i dont really think it matters, its up to the individual

    if you like her and have gotten into a relationship with her, you wouldnt be asking this question

    but height seems more of an issue, as weight can be dealt with over time, height is more difficult

    i wish i was a bit taller!
  5. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    you know, at the end of the day, people are affected by what others say about them, thats mostly how the world works, and with how society is turning out these days, people would want to look good, so it be the way they dress or whatever, and same goes for the person linked onto their arm.
    looks matter JUST AS MUCH as personality, if anyone says to me personality is all that matters, you need your teeth pulled out, or expect them to fall out cause the chinese saying "if you lie, your teeth will fall out".

    I am not dead shallow, but it is true that I care about the appearance of my partner.
    I care about my appearance because as I said, society makes people care, so I make sure I still look good, cause theres others who are very good looking, and if people bad mouth you and it gets to the point that your partner is uncomfortable or embaressed about you, one, it shows they dont care enough, but also, if you love them so much you want them to stay with you, so you just gta keep trying to match other standards.

    being fat look OMG then, thats a definately no, but doesnt mean being skinny is just as good. you dont exactly want your girlfriend to turn side ways and suddenly disappear from sight now do you lol.
    being slim I would say is important.
  6. adeliemiao

    adeliemiao New Member

    my bf is the chubby type.. while the slim type.. hahahaha
    but he is taller than me lo...

    ermmm i dont mind about this... inner personality is important =)

    but somehow .. turn out my mother mind how is his appearance.. =_=" im stil headache over this matter...
    I just hope 1 day my mum will slowly see how his person is instead of judging him from appearance which is totally not fair for me and my bf
  7. hahah your mom does not like that guy at all does she?

    you know what they say tho.. 'momma knows best' -lol

    but i mean considering the presents you getting, I guess it doesn't matter..