I can't stand waiting for people either. I understand if it's 5-10 minutes and they are rushing to get here, but some people just don't care, take their time, and don't even apologize!!!
I don't like when people are late too but what can we do ..... If yr friends cares about u or the meeting then they will not do that to u ....
Lol vietnamese people are notorious for being late. They are late for their own birthdays, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were late for their own wedding.
waiting for vietnamese girls is a bad experience try not to associate yourself with vietnamese girls.
The days before when beepers were a big thing, people would meet at a certain place and most of the time, on time. Since majority of people have cellphones, then keep calling every minute to those late people. What have we all become nowadays by technology?
It really depends what kind of person you are. Being late, on time or early tells a lot about a person. I am always a early person so always have to wait so I guess I am used to waiting but sometimes I wish others are like me. But I guess we can't change how other people act but what we can do is to accept who they are if we really care about them
There is no realistic long term workable solution. However you are best to fill in time waiting with more productive use of your time. I use a tablet to view comics, read stories, shopping, education, learn a language, play a board game, do some photo editing, write a report, view some office documents, meditate, think about the universe, day dreaming wonderful things...half an hour or an hour soon passes by.
Always make sure your phone is 100% before you leave the house. Because you'll end up waiting for everybody
I just hate late people in general...I have a 15 minute rule, so if you make me wait more than 15 minutes, I'm leaving your ass.