Oh, here's one that I bet you've never heard. True story... So my locker is between this kid and the girl he likes. One day... Boy: You want to go to the movies on friday? Girl: Uh... I'm busy. Boy: I'll even be nice and let you invite a few friends. Girl: Haha, I'll think about it. Boy: C'mon! Please? I want to be your first penis. fyi, it didn't work.
Hahahaha i love those XDDDDDD Here's some that i know of: ~Can I buy you a drink.. or do you just want the money? ~I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I can make your bed rock. ~I'd love to screw your brains out, but it looks like someone beat me to it. ~If you were a hamburger, you'd be the McGorgeous. ~I'm a bird watcher and I am looking for a Big Breasted Bed Thrasher...Have you seen one? ~If your going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep 'till afternoon. ~Guy:"Would you like to dance?" Girl:"I don't like this song and I'd NEVER dance with you anyway." Guy:"I'm sorry,you must have misunderstood me. I said,'you look fat in those pants'". ~Excuse me, can I have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine. ~I look good on you.
LOL, there was one that I experienced first hand.. while raking the leaves in my front yard hi, I was wondering if you saw my dog past by here.. - um no.. what kind of dog is it? (type of dog) well anyways.. if you happen to find it please call this number.. *shoves piece of paper* either way.. just call the number!! lol.. the guy drove by in his car like 5 times..
this falls into Worst pickup lines... "nice legs, when do they open" I agree pickup lines don't work 99% of the time. That 1% is when you're hot and anything you say will work!
hahaha i got some hey baby...come sit on my lap and we can talk about the first thing that comes up! your clothes look great! but they would look better on my bedroom floor woot 2 of my faves =P i personally dont think pick up lines will gain you anything more than a cold slapintheface...but yea...always good for a laugh! -lol
You must work at Subway, 'cause you just gave me a footlong Will you play army men with me.. so I can blow the hell out of you ! Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas? You have 206 bones right now, Want to have 207 tonight ? What's a big girl like you doing in a small town like this. Lets play house, you be the screandoor and i'll bang you all night long. Hey do you live on a chicken farm? 'cos you're really good at raising cocks
Potentially offensive but I think it can actually work of all the ones in here. Of course you'd have to be drunk and dancing with her awhile in the club first.
haha that calculus pick up line reminds me on how i met and got to know my gf cuz i was tutoring her in calc XD