Big Brother

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by jaijay, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    wah wots been happenin then? jus gone 4a day u lot worte so

    i went to graduate today :D

    im gona watch the repeat later.hehe

    i think the imogen n susie pair wil be goin on friday
  2. Imogen + Susie
    Pete + Rich
    Michael + Spiral
    Glen + Mikey
    Ash + Jenni

    Yeh I wan Ash + Jenni or Imogen + Susie to go ;)
  3. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    No cheer for Imogen evil mui...I want Ash +Jenni to them lol
  4. Well basically its between those pairs!
    Coz everyone loves Pete and Glen, and Spiral and Michael are like yeh whatever dun even kno ur there :p
    I think Ash will go coz shes a b***h!! :p
  5. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Yeah go away ASH!
  6. I think she's like the most hated now! I thought Rich was but obviously not...he's been saved like 4 times!! Poor Jenni is gonna get dragged down with her!!
  7. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    o well looks like.




    Are up for which pair u want to save this week. imogen n susie gona go or micheal n spiral.
  8. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    i like jenni she shudnt go yet..hehe
  9. If they voted to get them out, then I was worried for Pete even tho I kno loadsa ppl like him but there are quite a lot that hate Rich! -unsure

    But I think that loadsa ppl will vote to keep Pete in ;)

    I'm so annoyed Ash wasnt up!!! I mean, yeh Jenni would have been dragged down with her but to be honest she's kinda like nothing! Shes like Imogen, she's just there for the sake of it! Theres nothing to really like or hate about I dun think she will have a big effect if she left.

    I think its between M+S and I+S
    I wan Susie to go coz shes soooooooooooooo boring just like Imogen!! -sleep
    Plus, Imogen was talkin to Glen in Welsh sayin that she's gonna stay and that shes gonna be in the finals or whatever! Shut up!! Who the hell does she think she is!! If she wasnt pretty she would have gone ages ago! Plus shes just one of those ppl that are quiet and u dont notice them!

    'It's the quiet ones u have to watch out for'

    I think she's sucha fake when she found out she was up! She was screaming and sayin she was excited! Yeahhh right!! Get a life! She's sucha fake!!

    Mikey felt really bad, coz him and Glen voted for Susie therefore puttin Imogen up too!

    Michael and Spiral voted Richard
    Glen and Mikey voted Susie
    Ash and Jenni voted Spiral
    Pete and Richard voted Michael
    Imogen and Susie voted for Micheal

    ^ I think thats right!! Heehee (^^,)

    Oh yeah when Spiral found out he was like gonna cry!! LoL!! He put his t-shirt over his head so u couldnt see!! Aww!! And he was sniffin and stuff so I guess hes upset, alto he was like 'I'm not upset' Hmm...yeah ok then we believe u ;)
  10. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    ^lol...Who do u ppl want to go...?
  11. Imogen and Susie!!!!!!!
  12. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    ^stupid girl...
  13. Shallup!! Just coz u like Imogen coz shes pretty...and thats it :p
    I dun think Imogen would go, but its coz shes with Susie!! And shes so annoying!! All she does is drink tea and look down on people and disapprove of everything! >.<"
  14. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Yeah just like u.... joking...Man I hope Imogen stays...
  15. Why so u can watch her saiyn 'babe' all day? -sleep

    But its hard to say whos gonna go tho! Pete and Richard might even go! Who knos!! Ever since Nikki went no one can be sure anymore! -unsure
  16. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Ah... I still remember the days when Nikki was was all loud etc when she was there
  17. Yeh!! She was funny!! :p

    Have u heard Spiral rap!? Hahahaha!!
  18. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    No u have a link or sumthing to show me?
  19. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    yea but if imogen goes whos mikey gona go 2next? hes a dick..haha

    that spiral fort he wasnt gona b up u can tell he was upset

    but supirse ash n jenni voted spiral fort they liked him..haha