Big Brother

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by jaijay, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    ops forgot jayn
  2. 4 of them are goin back to the secret house!!

    Nikki, Lea, Jayne and...Mikey? Thats what I think!! LoL ^^
  3. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    hehe good choice..but gota see on tuesday rememba to tune in la..hehe
  4. I'm in America, thus I watch the American version.
  5. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    ok so is there like any nice girls in the american big brother? lol
  6. People probably hate Lea...but I like her!! I think its just coz she kept pushin herself onto Pete and stuff!! Ewww!!

    I like Jayne alto shes yuck! But shes real!! :p

    Nikki coz shes just hillarious!! -lol

    But I bet Nikki will go into the house next door but wont actually go into bb house >.<"
  7. don

    don ello

    i still have no idea what Big Brother is lol -lol
  8. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    nikki will go bck in the main house im suree..unless they gota do some task or sumfiin then i dnt think stil make
  9. ^ Thats what I think they will do! So they cant say oooo lets vote I wan Nikki! It will be a draw or something >.<"

    But shes sure to go into the house next door tho!! Yay!!

    I have a feelin Grace will get in somehow...coz they wan her to stir some s**t!! GrRr!! Hate her!!

    Sam has no chance LoL!!
  10. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    Hey sum1 just tell me what's been going on Big brother for the last week...Well give it in a short summary init. can't be bothered to read all that post.
  11. Basically I cant remember that far!! But just give u the most recent that I have watched up to!!

    Double eviction Mikey and Susie! (They didnt kno it was double)

    Tonight! 4 ex housemates are goin into the house next door! And One of them will return into BB house!! ;)

    Cant remember what else happened really >.<"
  12. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    4 housemate going<_<... that's crazy.Ah niki come back lol.
  13. ^ Damn right she is!! ;) Hehehe!!

    But the thing is....shes def gonna go back but I dun think she will make it into the house coz they gonna do some stoooopid task I bet!! >.<"

    C'mon Nikki!! *woot woot*
  14. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    It's one watches it anymore. i don't mind reading updates though...evil ui u can just write updates everyday
  15. Nah dun watch it everyday coz its borrring!! Only watch it when its nomination and evictions!! Hehehe

    But I'll update for ya when I watch it :p
  16. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    wah goo wak jai is lucky..u wasnt here for a week evil mui hasnt been updating since ur back she bck to update for 4u..hehe
  17. LoL!! Well I'll update tonight!! Coz I'm actually gonna watch it :D

    They better not put any stoooopid ppl in it!! Like Grace!! GrRr!! :p

    Oh yeh! Did u watch it when Jenni was like I've got a secret blah blah u kno what it was? Dun tell me its that she likes Pete!? >.<"
  18. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    i didnt see it but..jenni looks like she likes glen
  19. I think she likes Pete...>.<"

    Aww I really wan Nikki to go back in! I bet when she does Ash will be all over Pete again!! Ewwww!!

    Which 4 u want? ;)
  20. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    oh dun materr which 4 la..nikki is goin bck innnn :)

    grace,mikey,lea is goin bck in aswel! :eek: