Big Brother

Discussion in 'Hollywood Entertainment' started by jaijay, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. JolinV

    JolinV Well-Known Member

    Lea will be gone tonight.. nexts up will be Jayne! *fingers cross*
  2. OmgZ!! Lea's going!!! Thought Richard would leave >.<"
  3. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    haha told u lea would go la..i didnt get to watch her get interview any1 watch can tell wot happend?

    yea did u see ash n nikki making up is it for real?

    o yea that jayne hate her man..u see here arguin with that spiral? haha funny
  4. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    o yea either richard or that jayne shud go next O n susie she soo boring man jus always drinkin her tea!
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i need to start watching this big brother thingy
  6. Hehe Kdotc LoL!! ^^ I bet u dun even kno what it is right? ;) Bless ya!

    Yeah I watched the interview! Davina was like u fancy Pete etc etc and stuff and she was like was u jealous when he was with the other girls and she said 'NO!' OmgZ! What a Liar! She was proper paranoid and always wanted attention from him! Tsk! Oh yeah, she shouted 'I love u Pete' just as she left the house! LoL!

    It's so weird how she and Richard have become so close now, she was like I'm glad to have lost to him! She only got like 53% of the votes! So it was pretty close!

    Ash and Nikki.... not sure what thats about >.<"

    I was laughin so muchie when Spiral was 'TRYIN' to ride that bike in the middle of the night! He's so silly!
  7. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    ^lol So Lea's going or gone right? last time i watched it was a few days ago but it was like 20mins lol. I hate Richard he said Imogen is boring when u had to vote for someone to leave...i think it was richard...
  8. Yeah Lea went last night! Richard stayed....Boooooo Hate Richard!! Think Susie or Imogen should leave coz they don't really do much! Bloody Susie with her TEA! LoL
  9. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    LOl I want Richard to go next! Imogen is getting abit boring i must admit. she's gone quiet now
  10. Yeah! Did u watch it when she said that she was close to Pete?! I was like WTF! No she never! What a liar! She was proper suckin up to him, he was proper freakin out tho! LoL! Bless him! What is Imogen playin at! Leave the poor boy alone!

    Richard should have gone ages ago!

    What do u think of the new housemates?
  11. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    i think jenni is ok n quite pretty when she dont show her teeth..hahaha

    yea u see mikey n imogen gettin close now?..hehe that garce aint gona like it.

    Lea she a fool but fort richard shud hav gone first.

    sprial was ridin that bike thats wen that jayne startd arguin with him
  12. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    bet pete feels better dat lea's gone
  13. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    oo jenny, i might watch big brother tonight just to find out who she is. Actually i think football is on tonight too so...i might just keep changing channels
  14. LoL!! Jenny smokes!! Tut tut!!

    Lea was ott! Glad she's gone, but Richard should have left! :p Erm... Spiral! Aww I like him!! Hehe

    I think Nikki's tonned down now, I swear she's gettin less voted each week right? ;) Bless her! She's so funny! Love the way she speaks!
  15. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    is is this more of a girl show?? .. i sitll dont know wat it is
  16. Hahaha!! U shoon ba la kdotc!! U dumb dumb :p
  17. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    I just saw Jenny on Big brother smoking. She looks quie pretty, and Niki is crazy lol
  18. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    haha at evil mui..yea been watchin the football tonite

    wots happenin in big bro update me evil mui..hehehe
  19. jaijay

    jaijay Well-Known Member

    yea jenni smokes hate that bt she pretty i think..hehe

    nikki wil always be funny but she calm down now.

    get susie n richard out man
  20. JolinV

    JolinV Well-Known Member

    Yeah it is more a girly programme! (no offence to any guys here who watch it!) its not a popular choice for guys, all the lads i know hate the series infact..hehe

    what country u from anyways? don't u have a big brother series there?-huh
    We're debating abt a reality tv show Big Brother 7 (UK).