Re: Bdays i think leap year comes every 4 years theory it is like divided by 4? not -4 for example : im 32 and that person is 8? but there is a difference between birthdate and yrs old birthdate = is the day you were born yrs old = is the amount of years you exist in this world for example: a person was born on feb 4, 1986 birthdate : feb 4 yrs old by 2006: 20 but only celebrate the birthdate 5 times so literally, there isnt a difference in yrs old
Re: Bdays ummm sry i didn't post but if u have ur bday u get to choose ur bday to be either 1 day before or 1 day after the date of the leap year im stupid on dates so im guessing leap year is 29th lol i forget
Re: Bdays LMAO, that's my B-day!!! Or to be more exactly, that's the day I were born. xD I know 2 more persons that were born at the same day as me. -lol So sad that my b-day is 1 day before Lacus Clyne. xD
Re: when's ur birhday mines in 19 days which makes it the 23rd July woo hoo i cant wait to get presents hee hee
Re: when's ur birhday Mines 6th January, Ive got like 6 friends all with birthdays in June, man was I broke that month trying to buy everyone presents