Shit man, hope you'll still have the warranty. (not going to play poker today, was having some problems with VCpoker/firewall after the updates)
i have limited warranty and i uno wat that means i gues i gota go to a dell kiosk store and ask.....lets paly when im done exams =) u stil owe me ur debt!!!
Ok Kdotc, just let me know when you can play poker again, hope I've sorted my firewall security things by then. @Ecko, I think it's time for YOU to start paying me for your "protection". You know my plans once I'm a media tycoon, I can make you or break you. -devil
lol damn now both of yall trying to hustle money outta me... -cry2 how bout we all settle this in a big good old fashion dinner...
lol i've played the yakuza game for ps2... hella honor n pride among the familys... lol just dont screw up your studies and disappoint your parents taxloss!!!
yaaaaaaaa....i need to speak more french in poker i in ur plan tooo? u can't forget about ur poker buddy =p shes in netherland ur in the states and im in settle for ameeting lol
Grrrrr, don't patronize me Ecko! >.< Now get started and cook for all of us a big Cantonese banquet incl. those shark fins if you don't want to end up missing some limbs. -rolleyes
Erm, let's say you're in my plan but I'm not sure which position you'll get yet. (all craziness aside, I've seen on an other comp in the house where there's no problem with the pokersoftware installations that VCPoker doesn't allow people to speak other languages than English huh?)
You're afraid now? I know a lot of things about other people they don't know that I know... -devil Now hush!
lol lets find another popular program with asian ppl =)...........well my 19" problem is the on off button its like jammed..other than that its fine lol
Keep me posted if you find a decent one without too much spywares and one that's not likely to clash with my firewalls.
don't forget about ur debt D.......taxlosss.....rn't u suppose to sleeping..isn't it soooooooooo late where u r!