^ really....i thought worldwide teem.....ive seen it hk too...buy some and try it la..^.^ like fizzy orange soda..i think....not had it in ages to...wokaka yesh..need to revise but well deserved break nows.. lai leh...no homework from training..??
well never seen it anywhere so dont even know where to get it wo.... no lar...luckily no homework.just one exam on friday...study for that on thursday i guess
really..-ohmy....well when you in hk buy some la....ya can get in most s'markets la... its not that great really..just fizzy orange soda ja....but if never try..then try it la..^.^ exam....angieee....go revise la...-tongue2....
so thats a fizzy orange soda? Is it better than Fanta or Sunkist or worst? and never seen that in Aus, I've seen people drink these instead Me and my brother prefer Powerade more than V or Red Bull xD
^ -huh?...you dunno whut lucazade is either......... wow so its a UK thing.....i dunno how to decribe lucazde.. its like a errmm...orange flavoured energy drink and is errr fizzy..any better.... yesh yesh ive seen them before the colored ones people drink when they walk out of gyms right... well thats the time when i see people with them colored energy drinks
i drink red bull or v...but not stuff like powerade.....thats more like stuff u drink when u work out... not when u lack of sleep
^ when lack of sleep....red bull for me..well any sugary drinks i guess....-sweat but too much makes me hyper....and i cant sleep that nite...
hahaha...hyper bb....yeah...i tend to get a bit too hyper too... my mouth just wont stop talking and i just move too much hahaha
w00T w00T *hi5* angieee.... then bring on the sugarr...me need to stay up to revise tonight....poooooeyyy
hahahaha...nah....but hey....like the chinese sayin goes.... "tiew keng dow jiew dhau ha hay" if that makes any sense at alllll....? u get my chinglish ma?
^ yeshhh...i got ittt.....took me a while....but yeshh....kekeke...^.^ eeee my to dai but yip lor.....congratulations....-smart