Hmm...I never took sports into consideration. I was thinking more on the lines of clubs and all that junk.
Ah this physics question is KILLING ME! I can't figure it out with out knowing the mass or charge of the damn particle. All it tells me is that its this type of particle represented by this weird symbol that looks like a distorted a. How the hell am I suppose to know the mass and charge of every f*cking particle out there.
I hate Physics. What are section are you on? Pressure? I don't think I'm going to be much help to you. I'm just starting Thermal Dynamics.
Electrostatics. Figured out it was a alpha particle. Leafs.... Honestly why the hell don't I just burn my jersey. K guys I'm gonna sleep now. Tired
omg omg omg omg omg ohhhhh myyyyyyy god..... my scale broke like a month ago and i haven't been able to go get a new one until today and i just weighed myself...omg omg omgggggggg....i gained freaking 8 pounds!!!! omggggggggg....holidays are evil evil evil. i was thinking that my jeans were a little snug but i just figured its because jeans shrink when u put it into the dryer.....well, that and a bit of ignorance i guess. ugh....damn holiday chocolates......i'm gonna cry...
^yeah....but i think 8 pounds is not a 'lil jolly holiday weight' thats a freaking newborn baby right there.
Oh BB I wish you the best of luck for your exams and perhaps you should not be posting as much as you have been in the past week or so. You should think about your studies first.
lmao. Boi just cracks me up Bah and exams suck :\. Lucky that I only got 1 that I actually have to study for...
..... damn girl issues..... hahahaha you know what you should do... you should pretend and be like.... yo dude... im a guy. a girly guy. -lol