ho sui geh....tryin to play mind tricks on me. your seduction don't work on me missy... lol yea... later your gonna try to take over the world
ehm yeah? i dont need to do any mind tricks on u... ur so stupid.... i dont even have to do any tricks on u.... now thats so random...i reckon u post that on our new random thread...aka the realllll asian thing
eating chocolate and planning to take over the world ic....or take over PA -evil evil michelle...evil indeed...no wonder it takes 20 minutes haha...
actually .. its like 1inch x 1inch ... i just take very small bites and i chew very slow .. haha and after every bite i drink water .... i'm weird ... -huh
hahahaha....awwww....am i supposed to care about ur feelings u always got a big mouth so i figure u could take the bitchy-ness...-devil
as expected....-devil whut more can you want from me.........you already got my nomination for you to be PA bitch.....you don't have to prove anything to me anymore, why o why you have to insult me you devil!!!! :(
awwwwww....ill be nice to u now since u voted me for PA bitch...... YA THINK?????? Puhahahahahaa Now go get urself a camera and some sheets and go all chris crocker....i feel like havin a good laugh before i go to sleep
^oooo angie got rejected, gotta be more bitchy to others too haha... haha hope you have ghost hunting ya ass and the boogie man under your bed!!!! nite nite sleepy head -sleep and i presume everybody will be zombies by tomorrow? lol that's right nobody understands your ass.... <_<