day 4... man i just woke up after what felt like many hrs of sleep again but was only 2! everytime i try to lay back and sleep i'd get a headache is it still possible to get the flu after taking the flu shot? havn't been this sick since i was 10!
lol...i not even gonna respond to that wind boy VINCY CHAN TOTALLY ROCKZ seriously i was listenin to her new album just now....damnnnn she gooooood
i feel like kickin someones head off...damn all i want is to take a damned NORMAL shower is that too much to ask for all these problems with the ghetto shower GAH!!!! there were only like 3 drops of water a sec comin out of the freakin shower im so frustrated man
awww...angie its still not fixed.....its been whut a few months wor...-unsure.... angieeee calm ya self down and have a cold shower already...okies...puhahahaha....j.k