OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i so hate my friends staying with them for a few days...and their dog is a pain in the ass.... he wants to play with me so it keeps jumping and like scratchin me with his paws and biting my toessss and it wont stop even if move him or kick him away (softly) so hyper and noisy ewwwwwwwwww i hate their dog
perhaps it might be in animal instincts that the puppy will know how to please himself? borned a horn dog.... -hump -rotfl
man u are one dirty ass chin/viet dude u know that...ur thinkin bout animal sex now eh? ewww...worse than i thought
hahahaha riiight...u tellin me to not cross the line? U ALREADY DID THAT! i bet ur tv doesnt even have discovery channel on it...must be all mtv wait?????? do u even have a tv u poor ass chin/viet?
i'm sure angie would like to hear the story... yea you better be sending me a tv and several months pay for cable....where my money -tongue2 and what you talking about, i'm still behind the line but wait is that you i see across?-rolleyes
I bet you all would, but promised not to tell a soul. -lol It's hilarious and why don't you guys get on gabbly for once
rite...are u not the one who started? nas if u wanna listen to the story but feel embarrassed just send khaotic a pm hes a nice boy im sure he will tell u if u beg hard enough actually... ive got this tv in nl...its like rotting in my room now =/ hmmmm i never watch tv i dont wannabe in the same chatbox as mr animal sex!!!
^haha you know your ass curious....anyways khoatic gabbly sucks....just tell the story already dude....angies impatiently waiting for it haha...
[youtube]KXprBVS02vE[/youtube] man, mitt romney is insane, good thing he dropped out of the US presidential race. obama ftw.
Oh yea!! just got me some demonic power! now I'm on a rampage.. sorta.. hahah still getting killed pretty easily tho.. >_<
I heard DMC is a pretty challenging game. Although I wouldn't know. Never played any of them. @fearless. Yep He's a idiot. But damn... Stewart isn't funny with the writer strike and all :\
aiight iw as bored b4 i went to work.....mute the sound tho cause u can't really hear the music..just mintues to fame episode on.... and ya the camera was literallly on my KNEE lol..i had my knee up as support on my couch and put the camera on my kneecap...and it worked!! [youtube]4hHOlt_LC60[/youtube] gota start a rockband thread soon... KDOTC VS ECKO!
First of...UVE GOT A JOB? WOW! -shock lol...u guys and rockband eh? u couldnt even bother to switch off the chin program on bg? -lol