He's a very calculative business man who dislikes children...LOL he's capable and yet silly at the same time imo..I love the scene where they rush to the parking lot to avoid paying for parking fees..I wonder how's his chemistry with jacky jai
yeh..i agree w. heavysmoker..he helps othas a lott..his acting is awesume in dis drama~ one of da best actors out dere..did a pretty good jobbb x]
Bobby's character in this movie is serious yet often funny at the same time, haha. I remember the part where he was in the supermarket examining the chip bags, and he was wondering why the chips were all crushed. Then he saw the little boy shaking a bag and tried to scare him by blowing up a plastic bag and popping it to surprise him - he ended up scaring the little girl instead...hahaha..
bobby is really smart with numbers in here. i think him and yoyo mung is a great couple.. they're always funny together.
he's developing a chemistry with his son now..it's awesome that he's finally opening the door of his heart to jacky jai.
talking about what he's supposed to be means nothing. this isn't a novel or movie. but discussing his acting is to have no doubts. he's been in the business for a while and these types of role fit him well.. he's great too.
Gosh he is getting fatter each time i see him in new drama.... His acting was ok in this drama... Nothin spectacular in it....just plain ok
he is one of my fav TVB actor. I think whenever there is a movie that he stars in, it's going to be good.
overall the series was awesome, some scenes were soo good that i even cried, family thing is something that shouldnt be foresaken... jacky jai was so cute ah...wish my kids would be like that in the future...haha
love bobby in every series! he's just such an amazing actor that every role seems to be like his own personality!! especially loved the chemistry he has with Jimmy仔, it's almost as if they were natural father and son!!