More news!! 黃宗澤摸清胡杏兒身家 (Bosco Knows How Much Money Myolie Has) 黃宗澤、周秀娜與謝天華等前晚錄影草蜢主持的《華麗明星賽》,早前黃宗澤被拍到與緋聞女友胡杏兒高調拍拖逛街,他對此加以否認:「我哋兩個係用同一個形象指導,一齊出去買衫都好平常。(幾時公開?)乖!唔好問。」對於有指杏兒逼他開聯名戶口,他笑說:「唔係!佢只係介紹佢個投資顧問畀我識。(連佢有錢投資你都知?)我哋無所不談o架!」 Bosco Wong, Chrisse Chau, and Michael Tse went to shoot for "All Star Glam Exam" yesterday night. And, asked about his recent hi-profile shopping with Myolie, he stated that they had the same image stylist, so shopping together for clothes is not irregular. And, asked when he would want to admit, he told reporters to be good, and not to asked. And, when asked about Myolie forcing him to open a joint account together, he said "No, she introduced a finanace manager to me. Reporters then asked "So, you know all about her money?" with Bosco replying "Oh, we chat about everything." Credits: The Sun Translated by: love_of_tvb
i wonder who makes more money myolie or bosco =) lols but if they dating they should just admit it already!
I don't really care if there're going out or not, but if so, why all the secrecy, incase they lose fans?! Surely, fans must know they have no chance with stars right?
lol. most people like to dai diu.. i mean just cos they stars - why should they tell the whole word?! lol. and some fans are that crazy!! I think one someone actaully comiit suicide just cos one of his/her idol is married. So that's why wah jai didn't tell anyone that he was already married.
Seems like they are already living a married lifestyle! Even share money tips...all the wife wants to do is to know how much their husband spends. So I bet its a ploy by Myolie!