Boyfriend moving away

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by Lisa, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Jamien

    Jamien Well-Known Member

    Communication is very important in maintaining a long distance relationship. Without it, you may both drift apart. Or even worse, he'll drift apart and you stay pining for him or the other way around.

    You have to find SOME way to keep in contact with each other. Otherwise, seriously, your relationship is screwed. In this era, we have phone and internet. I don't see why you're not making use of it when the situation is needful.
  2. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    if he really loves you back he will want to keep the relationship alive by the means of communcation
    he will have to get rid of his dislike of talking on the phone, online, or webcammy
    so yeah make him get used to it otherwise your relationship will be down the drain
  3. rakata

    rakata Member

    well i'll say that long distant relationship (LDR) in US will create a little bit problem, to go with LDR both couple must ready to respect each other.
    each couple will have to make sacrifice and respect the sacrifice. from what i see msot of white man american dont have this kind of respect even if they already married at least that what i see among my white friends. (or may be i got the friend)

    so try it first, try to make it work, if it's not work life goes on, you'll wreck in a week or a month or a year but life goes on ....:biggthumpup:

    hey i'm not white and i'm not staying is us anymore