where're the kids? XD and its sorta weird to have the dad around not going to work. -what? its like not manly XD lmao
what's that phrase in chinese that roughly translates to "eat warm rice"? I think it's used to describe this situation
canto or mandarin? canto = shik nyun fan? lol..dont know how to write it xP mando = what she said ^ xD
It's eat "soft" rice. And I can't believe you've never heard this phrase being used before. It's a Chinese term for spineless wimp, aka a man who has to rely on his woman for financial support.
ooO im not that familiar with chinese phrases......-cry2 because my parents and i dont speak canto/mandarin at home so..yeahh >.<
no no.. lol in cantonese the language is called "toi san" yah..lol but i think i know more canto than mandarin...>.>even though i went to chinese school and learned mandarin for like a few yrs. xD oh well i forgot like those "buh puh muh fuh" crap. >.< that stuff was confusing..never memorized all of it ^^;
yeah -cry2 i only hear pawpaw and gongong's speaking toisan around my neighborhood <_< i dunno..my whole family speaks toi-san... dunno why its a lonnnnnng story unless you want listen to be blabb about my family history
lol..u don't think i can have a relationship without cheating on ma girl??? hmm...cheaintg as in a relationship with another woman not as in like flirting or like dancing rite
depends... some men consider thinking is also cheating... and men don't have to develope a relationship with another women... it can just b sex -shrug