Brink of Law Discussion for Episodes 11-20

Discussion in 'The Brink Of Law - 突圍行動' started by kdotc, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Silversaber

    Silversaber Active Member

    About Bernice, when she was talking to her bf and her bf was talking about how cool he is with his job, Bernice said she had a secret too, then she suddenly got an "emergency call" from Canada and had to fly back and wouldn't tell her bf what the secret was. So maybe she really is an undercover.

    As for the police thing, I think he really is dead. I mean, they saw his dead body, how can he pretend to be dead during that whole series and come back near the end? I think that police shown in the song on the boat is actually someone different.
  2. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    just fininshed watching...this series is just confusing...3 ppl i thougth were main characters died already? and only 17th episode...damnn
  3. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    What's there to be confused about? The plot and happenings couldn't be more clear and straight-forward.

    "and only 17th episode...damnn"

    I still don't get it.. what's so "damnnn" about characters dying off? Were they supposed to.. not die? Or die later? There's only 8 more episodes left.
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    im not literally confused..just think its weird how those 3 died

    finished 18...gets better by the episode..y isn't shirly out of the house yet...she don't belong!
  5. Silversaber

    Silversaber Active Member

    Hmmm... the preview for 19 is pretty interesting. I wonder what's going to happen to bernice, in the beginning song, it shows that some guy on a motorcycle was after her. Can't wait to watch the rest of the series.
  6. all i gotta say is... that is one messed up family -lol
  7. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Possible spoilers (Ep 18)!

    I actually wasn't expecting old man Tong to be involved in his wife's illegal activities. He seemed like such a righteous person. I saw him harming his own brother as a desperate act to keep Ron but it makes so much sense why his wife didn't make a bigger deal out of it. They also had business relations :\. Now every time his wife calls him 'lung gor' I picture triad lol.
    #27 Xzyrus, Feb 1, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  8. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    JUts finished watching episode 18!
    and what the hell is ah wing playing at?!?!?!
    and does Ka Yee rly like ah long?? i dont think she does anyways..... yeh i think she deliberatly sayting all those things so then ah long's mum heard the convo...
  9. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    About Epi 20 Preview:
    I've always been complaining about how Shirley relies on others to get things done, but where the hell does she get a team of assassins to kill Michelle? Crazy evil biznatch with connections lol. It's odd to me since I would expect Michelle to know all of her brother's connections.

    Edit: Possible Spoiler!
    #29 Xzyrus, Feb 1, 2007
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007
  10. qpower

    qpower Well-Known Member

    Crap, you spoiled that episode to me, it is NOT a PREVIEW WHEN YOU TELL WHAT HAPPENS!!!

    Either way............. This show teaches one to never underestimate another, like Shirley for example, she plays the nice and friendly one in the beginning. However, after she gets pissed off and angry, she turns into a evil person who plots in the long term manner, against another person. Ah Long's mother is only semi-evil, since she straight forwardly tells someone to kill the person that aggravates her.
  11. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Is the colour change not enough to indicate spoiler? Plus I said "About Epi 20 preview". I haven't given away more than the preview has since I don't know more. Anything else is just my speculation pieced together from the scenes in the preview.

    The ending will probably be a predictable one, but I guess it will be a pleasant one after all these crazy twists.
  12. cyrus

    cyrus Well-Known Member

    Just finished watching Ep 19...
    Gosh....Bernice likes the old guy, he sucks
  13. Xzyrus

    Xzyrus Well-Known Member

    Wow I hate how they splice the scences for the preview, so inaccurate lol. Those gunshots were such cheesy CG too. Back in the late 90s they used to use props and fake blood at least. So low budget now!

    The preview for next week kinda sucks, but how episode 20 ended is very suspenseful. Gotta see how fast Steven's mind is churning.
  14. Silversaber

    Silversaber Active Member

    Yeah, the preview for 20 was pretty inaccurate, I thought that it would be her "goo mah" that got shot, but it wasn't at all. Pretty suspenseful right now, and I can't believe how stupid steven is as an "undercover".
  15. therecanonlybeone

    therecanonlybeone New Member

    i dont get why bernice and her boyfriend cant tell each other that they are under cover? is there a significant importance in that?
  16. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ^ when u're an undercover its suppose to be a "secret" didn't u watch mr. and mrs. smith? lol
  17. joksinjai

    joksinjai Active Member

    episode 20 is pretty good. Everything is starting to make sense now. Wing seems to be a undercover for the cops
  18. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    seems like some1 is gonna get busted soooon
  19. AisuTsuki

    AisuTsuki Well-Known Member

    Oh, NOW it's getting interesting.

    With the sudden addition of whats-his-face into to the illegal business to "What the heck is Bernice doing?!" Poor Steven ... should be more careful. He's going to be a target soon. Dun dunn dunnn. The preview for episode 21 really got me going. @_@; Makes me want to watchh it ><!

    Oh and wow at Shirley's character. The owner of Moonlight is right. She only cares for herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she planned something for Michelle in the background because, either way she sees it, it was Michelle's fault that her dad landed in jail.
  20. rsx

    rsx Well-Known Member

    Okay people, we get the idea that you're smart from making an educated guess that Bernice is an "undercover cop" -- we get the point, shut up already. Jesus.

    Anyway. I just finished watching episode 20 and wow.... what the fuck has smart-mouth Steven got to say for himself now, after trying to plug the USB drive into the laptop? There is virtually no way around it. Michelle will lose trust in Steven and probably hire the terrorist-looking guys to murder him.