Do it in the backyard and why don't your mum try explaining the purpose of doing this,won't they understand?As my mum is always busy,she does it in the backyard and leaves it.
Forgive me, but all of the above arguments are devoid of knowledge of public safety laws. It has nothing to do with religion. Most city ordinances involving regulation of fire and it's control revolves around a fear that a fire will become a wild conflagration that then consumes a portion of the city. It does not matter if the fire is attended or not. The issue is whether the burner had permission or not. Fires burned for religious purposes generally require permits from the city, and a fire fighting apparatus to be standing by, to put out the flame if necessary. In many municipalities, open burning of trash, even in a garbage can, is illegal. Granted, the neighbors may have been pricks, but the burner was legally in the wrong. The fire department could have just as easily given her a citation, or if she persisted, to have her arrested. Back yard barbecues are another story. If she was using the spirit money to start a charcoal grill, then I doubt that there will be an issue because she isn't burning for the purpose of burning, she's "cooking" instead. Yes, it's stupid, but that is a real serious legal distinction. Unauthorized burning (without city permit, fire crew on standby) is against the law. Cooking is not against the law. So, I would suggest that the OP's mom consider setting up a grill, a bag of charcoal, grabbing a pack of hot dogs and buns to make it look realistic, and then proceed with burning her spirit money on it, as it adds a unique flavor to the wieners. BTW, the fire rules are also why you cannot do unauthorized conversions in private homes. You cannot convert your garage into a bedroom unless the city approves it. Further, freedom of religion is not a blanket argument. You're free to practice your religion so long as it conforms to the city ordinance. If you decide that performance of an act that risks the lives of others, then your right to practice that facet of your religion will be severely curtailed. For example, fire crackers have loads of ceremonial meaning in Chinese culture. Municipalities have banned this, but some do allow for a public performance of an audio recording of fire crackers sounding off, so long as the performer applied for a city noise permit. Most city's will work with religious needs, but never at the expense of other citizens.
hence when (if for that matter) i do it, it's at a temple, which has requested permission from the city
My dad does this also. Though it has never been a problem in our neighborhood. I hope your mom doesn't just leave the can burning and walk away. Considering your neighbors don't know or understand why your mother burns the 'spirit money' try explaining it to them. If they still complain, even though you mentioned it's apart of your religion, then they're just assholes.
Well .. this only applies to the "public" area .. not within your "private" home. As for building extra bedroom in the garage, it depends on what you're referring to .. apartment building or single family home. For apt bldg .. yeah a fire hazard .. thus, sprinklers are needed and such. But for single family home, it's no problem for bedroom. You just can't build a kitchen in the garage without a permit. There's a good reason for that .. the water broiler, central heating system, gas pipeline, etc are all there so it's important to make sure everything is safe .. The reality of this procedures thing are ways local gov get your money .. seriously, putting a gate up in your home needs a permit, changing your roof needs a permit, changing your window needs a permit, landscaping your yard requires a permit, parking in front of your house also needs an annual permit, painting your house also needs a permit .. there ... that's to tell you how silly things have gotten .. you know what .. not many do anyway. these permits ain't cheap .. for my home, the gate permit was $600, roof permit was $250, window permit was $180, landscaping permit was $1300, and parking was $325/yr Anyway, going back to the fire ord.... not all city ordinances are enforceable and some are even unconstitutional if you take them to court. For example, in San Francisco, there's an ordinance that limit Asians living on the same block. It wasn't struck out so it's still enforceable but if it was brought up, it will lead to no where but more lawsuit due to its nature. About the public fire hazard .. if you're burning w/in your own home .. back yard or front porch .. no prob .. gotta attend to the fire .. fire dept can't put out the fire (accpt when it burning out of control or no one there) or issue you a citation. they can stand there until you're done and make sure the fire is out or provide you ways to burn safely .. can't intrude on your religious practice freedom .. this was told by a DA friend.
Surely instead of arguing you could make it as if it's bonfire, next time? Or is it not acceptable to burn scrap wood and unwanted furnitures in the back yard or in an open field? Never tried it before in England but lots of people do a bonfire throughout the year and no one would give a fuck that you are creating the smoke. But I wouldn't know tbh I guess creating that many smoke can accept children's asthma very badly.. but the others are just pure worried that their neighbourhoods can get caught on fire and house fires and genereally spread very damn easily especially with any explosion caused by the fire itself..
lol i can see myself gonna burn a piece of paper or something then i have to get a firecrew on standby and permission etc.. lol but you see what i mean that be a waste of government money. Surely its not neccessary to get permission for things like that. Neighbours are just being FAKE AND GAY and so is the LAW Laws these day are bullshit and i mean bullshit it protect criminals more than the innocent
just that day on the 15th of 1st lunar month, i burnt 10 stacks of gold paper folded into gold ingot shapes, it would cover the floor of my whole living room if i put them one by one without stacking on top of each other. but my neighbor can't say anything, because they also like to burn cigarettes in front of MY house.