Can a Christian and a Buddhist have a happy marriage?

Discussion in 'Philosophy & Religion' started by weilinny, Jan 1, 2008.

  1. p4nd4

    p4nd4 Member

    can, but only if both of them are not fanatics
  2. Loner

    Loner Well-Known Member

    Yes, usually the religion other than catholic/christians will convert, but they are buddhist at heart. Buddhist have a lot more religious tolerance. Happiness is the main goal, pay the lip service. I agree with you though, 100% of the time a buddhist converts to a christian because of their s/o's pressure.
  3. Typerex176

    Typerex176 Member

    a die hard christian and a die hard buddhist will not have a happy marriage, the buddhist will not wake up sunday mornings to go to church i will tell you that much hahaha
  4. i would be pretty annoyed if i had a wife that went to church every sunday and she would be more if i didn't?

    guess it depends how religious and dedicated a person is to their religion and what kind.
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    my wife is a catholic .. not christian and i am a devoted Buddhist .. she converted it to my religion .. follows the husband obviously. she picks up things very fast too and NO, i don't go to temple (church is also used interchangably with temple these days) every Sunday .. twice a month and sometimes more for certain celebrations like Tet or Memorial.

    back to the topic .. christian believer are usually very aggressive about it .. going to fellowship and sermon every time .. i have dated one before and broke off the relationship even if she's willing to the convert .. the mentality is just wrong. i felt she was brainwashed to some extend .. scary. some even donate like 10% of their salary to church every year when they can barely get by on the daily basis. so my conclusion is MAYBE if you're lucky enough to meet someone who's not so much religious.
  6. mobidoo

    mobidoo Well-Known Member

    Its really possible, provided there is deep and real respect for each others religion.

    Seen a few friends of mine who have got married where the couples have different religion.
    But I guess in the world we live in now, we emphasize more of the "differences" and not try to look towards recognizing common values.

    So it really depends on the couples themselves to sort it out.

  7. ao_xxx

    ao_xxx Well-Known Member

    I find the weaker partner would take up the religion of the more dominant partner. I wouldn't say that the dominant partner forces it upon his/ her partner, but the weaker partner tends to follow what his/her partner is doing. If both are dominant the relationship would suffer.
  8. cherry29

    cherry29 Banned

    I think Buddhists have a better marriage... they are soooooo peaceful.. heehee..
  9. khaotic

    khaotic Fobulous

    Lol dude what's with all your sexist comments.