I personally don't wear makeup that much just a dab of lipstick and good to go. I think we could probably live without makeup. I know I could.
^ u could but u prefer not to...eww i hate girls with really red lipstick..i unno y...i bet u use eye liner liek every girl
hmmm... actually... if u get good quality make up it can work like a protection layer for ur skin to prevent the harm caused by air pollution
Depends on where you live, there may be places that protective layer against air pollution doesn't exist But I do think that make-up is overrated, I only line my eyes wee bit and have balm on lips, skipped foundation, concealer (never bother with that), blush etc. Too lazy.
if they are naturally hot... yes.. they can survive... but... as for others.. they're gonna need make up to survive...
i'd say at least 80 per cent of girls can't live w/o makeup, 20 per cent being girls that feel they don't need it cuz they think they look good already and the rest being girls who don't care much for their appearance. but i think its more of the latter since girls who look good already naturally would want to look even better wouldn't they?..there is no end. well this is what i think according to city girls though. i, myself, usually only use mascara, before i used eyeliner but nah i eliminated that..if i do its very little..i find the natural look makes girls look younger and better.
Amen... I understand the mentality behind spending time and looking nice for your SO. But there's a fair amount of city gals here that don't really know how to put on makeup, using PMall as an example - whenever I go and "shop" (using this term very lightly, haha), I think if I used the 'makeup shotgun' from the Simpsons I would do a better job than some of them. I know I'm not one to judge but working with my mom a few years back as a bridal makeup artist I have a few tricks up my sleeve =x Most it not all girls use makeup in some sort of way whether they look good in it is for one to judge, for me, minimal makeup = win.
u're at the rong place...ppmall all asians and they all use make up...go to eatons or something...y don't u tell the girls on pa ur "tricks" lol just wondering..does any1 know guys that put on concealer or w/e its called? i don't but i seeen some1 do it b4..its weirdd
^ yeah its concealer and yeah i know a guy who puts it on and he claims he needs it and also wears eyeliner, mascara the works and his names.... KDOTC
Tricks? Who would want to know what I know =P Uh... pick on lipstick after dead skin is removed from lips via toothbrush or damn towel? Or use of two mascaras - regular first, water proof later for those Brides who love to choose weddings on rainy days.
rofl!!!! in massachusetts! in some states it is 16, in other states the age limit is still unknown. http://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/main...9&infopageid=91 I'm not sure about make-up but I'm quite positive that girls cannot live without nagging.
i like make up and all but i'm soooo lazy, so i almost never wear it besides there is something i take to heart a person should rarely wear make up becuase, if a girl who never wears make up and one day does, "oh look you look nice today" but if a girl who always wears make up and one day doesn't "oh my goodness, you look sickly today" . . . .
I don't really wear make-up. But I started to recently but only eyeshadow. Then, I got too lazy to even put on eyeshadow. LOL :3 I wear lipgloss, that's about it. I don't even like eyeliner all that much. It's annoying to wash off.
Not many will share your sentiment Since virgin-obsession is still in its high time. But I never like wearing lipgloss (they stick to my hair =_=b), lip sticks are tacky when you eat (how ugly is it to see the pink on a paper napkin?) So I am sticking to balm or the light gloss~