lol at first I like "Put him to sleep??" as in tranquilize the lil bugger or knocking him unconscious? yea do something to lock up the comp.. then when he touches it.. say he broke it..
lets c....ive just usually said no when ever my cousins kids come over...and they leave meh alone..such manners they have..but 2 of them are so cute sometimes i just let them sit on my lap and play on my comp neways....and they always ask me for things...but hey..i dun really mind at least they are asking me...
well...thanks for all this advice...( didnt think that this thread would be so popular)..anyways..i guess ill try the candy cuz the computer is actually not in my room but in a seperate the way..hes right beside me right now..luckily he doesnt noe how to read all that how the heck can i put him to sleep??? seriously..that sounds pretty messed..
i cant just say NO! and make him start cryin ...he'll go tell his mom (which is basically my mom's best friend) then my mom makes me give it to him... she goes like "dont be so greedy" or " just let him play with it for a while" somethin like that..
have you tried karate chopping his neck?? based on his weight.. I'm sure he can take a few blows.. really if he's so attention hungry.. get out something that isn't too precious and jus play with him till they leave... that way.. your comp and your other breakable stuff is safe...
guess what>> HE CANT TAKE A FEW BLOWS!! then they end up comin to me lettin me deciede who should play... most of the time i say him cuz his sister always hogs the comp but after like 1min for some weird reason....his sister is playin again... im a girl u dumbass...
LMAO.. oh damn.. The lil devil's got a sister... ; ahahahaha.. at 5-6 it's forgiveable the stuff they do. Jus tell them to becareful with stuff.. and you'll convince them..
ahahahha.. I was kidding about the hitting him thing.. jus keep pinchin him and tickling if he gets near your stuff...
damn, what a f****** lil pest!! u're too nice. seriously. i would have just smacked him real hard across the face and dealt with the consequences later. rofl jk -rolleyes but i don't even know if u're here asking for advice or what, because it sounds more like a rant to me. looks like u're just gonna hafta suck it up and deal with it since none of the suggestions in here seem like they would work for u. -shrug look, either way, u're gonna make him cry so who the hell cares? if the mom gets pissed off at u then obviously she ain't that nice of a person herself, if she can't even teach her kid manners. god, i hate those type of ppl -bash damn, this thread just reminds me of how much i hate kids. thank god i don't have any younger siblings or else i'll probably be sitting my a$$ in jail by now. -lol
yea but they are your guests after all.. you don't want your parents to look bad now.. having their friends think that she raised a bully.. Anyways asiangang is probably having dinner with that lil kid by now.. and afterwards watchin sponge bob or somethin..
yea, that's why i said i hate ppl like those. they don't have any manners and then it rubs off on their kids. obviously she doesn't know how to teach her son seeing how he acts like a spoiled lil punk. and then u can't say 'no' to the kid 'cause that'll make your parents look bad, so u're basically screwed. :( how f ucking depressing -lol
i love kids and all, but i've said no a lot of times to cute little kids everyone loves. this little boy you speak of, he's going to have to learn the word "no" someday..... and so what if he cries? i mean, he's a kid.. all kids cry once in a while. i say, stand up for yourself once in a while. don't give him ALLLL the time. but remember not to be mean.
lol he's only 5!!! it's not quite sure what asiangang wants to do.. not have him touch his stuff.. or get rid of him altogether?? If he jus keeps him occupied.. then they won't do anything else.. like break stuff..
Um, lock your computer? keep your iPod on your person? Not letting people into your room? I do all of the above to avoid any kind of hassle regarding ill-mannered people. And really, lecture the kid, not asking for permission is not ill-mannered, it's lack manners. And to me, it's like a matter of life and death. I will probably lock EVERYTHING if he or his mom or my mom tries to argue the point. Really, it's MY computer, MY room, MY iPod. Don't think he will pay for the maintainence or repair if he happen to accidentally break something. So he can go watch his YTV, stay out of my room, idiot.
something with the guys on this forum and not being able to distinguish genders rofl jk ecko was probably jus messing w/ u like he did to me earlier. -rolleyes well said -worship