Can luv really last a lifetime?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by stardust, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Because they thought that marriage can help sustain love to last a lifetime? -mellow
  2. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    People who love each other might not always be together. Just because they both love each other doesn't mean they will be or in a relationship together.
  3. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    isn't it so that u can then receive benefits when ur married and so that u have finacial support if u have a child. also u get all those presents when u have the wedding and a honeymoon after. lol.
  4. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Thats a new notion to me -unsure

    They can be together unless if there's a third party involved somewhere....

    So you would get married because of monetary or materialistic gain? :p
  5. all our grandparents managed it.....
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Not everyone's that lucky. <_< Plus, staying together without a divorce doesn't necessarily means they love each other, it could be just a matter of "face" and means of survival (especially for the female party, back in those days)...
  7. grandpapas n grandmamas stay together coz divorces weren't as acceptable back then... so when the love runs out they turn their attento to their children... n nowadays ppl know they can find someone else even after they get a divorce so the rate's going higher n higher... quiet sad...
  8. champ91

    champ91 Well-Known Member

    #88 champ91, Feb 21, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  9. zero_c

    zero_c Well-Known Member

    Or there just something about each other they can't get over, but they still love each other.
  10. yeah thats true, but in this day and age 'Love' is mistaken for attraction through looks and whatever else. you can find yourself the best looking person in the world and in a few months your gona get used to it, thats when 'Love' comes in which is the reason why relationships based solely on looks and sex etc dont last. i even remember reading that an affair is common practice and considered normal to many people. Marriage is or can be hard in many cases >.<

    yes its sad indeed :-/
    #90 master_g, Feb 21, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2008
  11. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    marriage shouldn't be hard, if its hard then its not a marriage rele is it. i forgot u get some ppl who marry immigrants to help them get into a country lol. those don't usually last and is quite sad rele, but then again u do get ppl who find their match that way.
  12. ^ not hard in that way.. but.. i mean.. there's gona come a time when husband or wife are gona disagree about something, argue about something etc etc, at times like that you prolly think "darn im gona leave" but marriage isnt about that. in marriage you gota learn to deal with the good and bad things about your partner (nobody is perfect after all) , its not all roses and for that reason it is hard (in that respect).
  13. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

  14. snoopy8888

    snoopy8888 Well-Known Member

    take it from me NO
  15. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    And how old might you be? :nuts:
  16. Hustler

    Hustler Well-Known Member

    There is nothing in the love that it can not last long or for life time . It infact depends upon the couple which is in love . I know many couples which are gone old but they are still in love with each other .
  17. hagaoxp

    hagaoxp Member

    there isn't anything considered as true love anymomre
  18. kontradictions

    kontradictions Well-Known Member

    Care to elaborate?

    True, the divorce rates are higher. But do you honestly believe that true love does not exist anymore?
  19. neko-pochi

    neko-pochi Well-Known Member

    Yes, it can. The problem nowadays is that most couples give up on each other too easily. Instead of putting more effort to work things out, they just declare forfeit and ask for a divorce. :/
  20. krazyaznboi

    krazyaznboi Well-Known Member

    well it can, but all the work and commitment to make it work just seems too hard and people just doesn't have the determination to do that and therefore love doesn't last a lifetime