LOL i remember my first love but i can't say i can't forget him yes maybe we were soooooooo love in love with each other and breaking up with him was a hard thing coz couldn't stop thinking about him but in time i realised how much of a dickhead he was and all that and the fact having a lot of friends to go out and do things with helps and having a boyfriend for over 2 years now also helps
My first love!! Hello!! Everyone!! I have never forget my first love. It's a really memorable journey in my life. Really i miss my girl friend!! thanks guys for sharing your thoughts.
I sure can't but as long as you don't let that from keeping you moving on, its not bad to have that memory, the happy ones at least.
my first love... is so long ago im way over it, but i can still remember her and the times we had so clearly, even to this day
I htink it is possible after a while of time. Like look people will get married eventually right? and I'm pretty sure most people won't get married to another person if they still are in love with another person. I may be wrong but that's what I thought how it works.
i don't believe that anyone can forget about their first experience with anything. this includes first crush, relationship, etc. maybe because it's our first experience that leaves a strong impression in us forever. although the feelings that you once had for that person has disappeared, the memories are lasting; and just because you can't forget, it doesn't mean that you still have feelings for them. thinking about them will either bring back positive or negative feelings, but there is probably no love in those feelings.
This is very hard to forget. Our first love usually mark the 1st step into a term that we call love. By getting hurt for the 1st time, we need more time to over come. However, this will be a scars that remaing 4 ever.