ive never been mistaken for viet.. but almost everyone thinks im korean.. the ones who dont think im korean are those who hear me speak canto haha i think its the small eyes -_____________-"
all the time....but then again....i was born there but i'm ethnically chinese. and my friends say that i look more vietnamese than chinese hehe even though both my parents are chinese
Well anyone can be mistaken for someone, not just chinese or vietnamese, its fun to do call someone black when they arent, the reaction on their faces are funny.
always! people think i'm japanese, viet, thai, korean... japanese and korean, ok, i understand a little but viet and thai?! don't understand because i'm really pale !
people always think i look viet, and start talking to me in viet before evening getting to know me,but im really cantonese,and when i travel back to HK this pass week, people there think im from mainland,because i was dress in slacks and dress shirt,and leather shoes.
Oh i get it all the time, that people think I'm viet. Actually, I get mistakened for Viet, Flip, Thai... Maybe just cause I'm darker than most chinese but damn.. funniest is when they start talking to me in their language..
Im chinese and ive been mistaken as a filipino by my student teacher in math. He said i didn't look filipino and i looked chinese, but appearently i was wearin one of those necklaces with the red string and jade, and he said filipino ppl wore them.
I get mixed with the Vietnamese because my parents are from Vietnam but they don't know that there are Chinese people who resides in Vietnam. Shamelessly, my last name is Truong and I want to change it to Chang or Cheung but it costs money.
nope but i have been mistaken as a japanese and a filipino T.T not as much though now cuz i got a little lighter skinned
I've been mistaken as viet b4 but only during early high school cause of the surname and skin colour. But i guess it generally depends on the area where you live.
Funny thing about misconceptions and looks. I have been mistaken many times as mix. I think it is the round eyes and the facial hair...
Wait.. this topic title is a bit misleading, it should be changed to "Chinese people mistaken as Vietnamese" or something. I had thought that the thread was about others mistaking the Cantonese language as Vietnamese language -- impossible!
Well sometimes people just think I'm mixed or some other crap, some people even asked if i was spanish[???]
Well.... mainlanders in the South speak Cantonese..... Pretty much, if you don't got the HK accent, HK people will know that you're not HK