I think I need to eat ... BRAINS ... yammy brains ... but unfortunatly, I have no spoon to spoon it out LOL
Just get one, make sure the scoopy part is made of shell and not any metal. Like caviar brain has really delicate flavour which will be destroyed by the ugly metal taste Anyways, is there a release date for RE4 and RE:UC for North America or Europe yet?
According to www.gamespot.com RE4 for the Wii release date is still to be announced status :( http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/...=convert&om_clk=topten&tag=topten;all;title;8
RE4 was amazingly good. Leon was awesome... but that's old news now. Let's wait for RE5 to come out onto the PS3 *Crosses fingers*
@Mav: I guess I have to replay my RE0 on Ninetndo Gamecube while I wait... Get Billy to use that dagger and slash the zombies ^+++^ But nothing's happening until after exams :(
^ You need to understand? Just point and shoot (or slash, or any number of gruesome thing you want to do to a zombie which wants to eat your gut) Universal language of life and death
the zombies don't speak English nor Japanese... but Spanish... which makes it all the more fun to kill 'em... alright Cabrones!?
@Mav: Something of that sort, would you like our peace offering of a round of bullet? Put those zombies out of their "...brain...." misery
Nah, a peace offering to consume their brain with a shell tipped spoon -- "Your brain will live forever in me " All the while craving their liver out with a blunt knife.
i still need to get a wii!!!! theyre all still sold out over here. still need to complete RE4 for teh cube lol