Casual sex relationships

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by skid, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    yea. just use a paper bag and some rubber then just do it to get some MUTUAL benefiits

  2. ofey

    ofey Active Member

    Personally, I think it takes 2 people who are very disciplined emotionally in and mentally. I wouldn't have casual relations with a stranger but if it's a female friend I know well and understand that both of us are just doing it casually more or less to fullfill the moment or for comfort at the moment with no more to it, I think I'd go for it.

    As it's been said, most people can't handle the post-session after effects. We get emotionally needy and that's when it starts to fall apart.
  3. burnburn

    burnburn Well-Known Member

    i wouldn't really do it.
    but funnily, i have a few female friends that are into friends with benefits or casual encounters....
  4. Sweetsumigirl

    Sweetsumigirl Well-Known Member


    This sounds like my still have feelings for my 1st bf.. we've broken up for 3 years now... I saw him slept with another girl while he was dating me for 1.5 years. Its hard to put him down, because he was my 1st and we did have many good times together. As for dating him again.. sigh...if i had a chance I might, but my chance with him again are pretty slim. After we broke up I found out he slept with many more girls while he was dating me. But right now he is dating a taiwanese rich daughter so he doesn't sleep around as much any more but he is in it for the money. Atleast he is changing for someone I just didnt have enough power (money) to do
  5. champ91

    champ91 Well-Known Member

    that's pretty messed up....

    anyways, casual sex seems like a great idea if no strings are attached but i doubt there can ever be any strings not attached. someone is going to feel something, maybe a little, maybe a lot.
    Honda Ridgeline
    #45 champ91, Nov 5, 2007
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  6. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Wow....How can u still hang out with a person like that....he must have hurt u lotsa times =/
    u must have a very very strong weakness for him....=/
    && the fact hes not sleeping around as much as he used to doesnt make it any better imo..
    im sorry but he sounds like an ass...
  7. onisegawa

    onisegawa Active Member

    I think two people have to at least like each other or find each other attractive in "some" ways to have sex.
  8. defies the laws of prostitution.
  9. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    isnt it sad though??? like, most girls like that kinda guy i think...the ones that sleeps around...aint any real sincerety is a lie/cheat world...

    i bet u he will cheat on his taiwanese gf...
  10. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    its good for your loney stages haha
  11. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    wow this thread popped back up

    anyways as the OP, i'm glad i didn't go down that road. We kind of nearly went into a casual relationship but yeah it would have hurt me badly if i did. So i backed out, and she didn't want to have that sort of relationship anymore since she knew i would get hurt.

    and to Sweetsumigirl, i assume you don't see your ex no more right. He sounds like a dickhead, sleeping with others while dating you. I guess if you knew about it though, then you shouldn't have stayed with him. Oh wells glad you did leave him.
  12. Sweetsumigirl

    Sweetsumigirl Well-Known Member

    yeah I dont see him anymore but I do occasionally think about him.. I have not seen him since we broke up three years ago. But because he is so popular every body talks about him in my So thats how I get my info on him.. accordin to what he put on myspace as a quote 3 years ago. "If you get hurt too many time you'll go numb and become a player" I think he just doesnt have enought
  13. it's not just "get hurt too many times u get numb" dating too many times can make u numb too... actually it's more like confused... u dunno who u can trust or wot u want anymore.... n i hope those ppl around u wouldn't talk abt him... coz it really isn't helping u get over him :(

    but u know u r the lucky one... the more ppl u sleep with the high RISK of getting STI n passing it on to ur stable partner... i'm sure u deserve someone better :D
  14. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    I dunno...i admit i feel attracted to a guy whos self confident & has guts and all that
    but i dont think id like a manwhore
    also ive never been a fan of liars...they turn me off....
    & im not the type who gets soft when a guy throws some nice words at me....
  15. i like virgins ... "ching tau jai" -whistle
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    Lol ur reminds me of the whole mizuage thing....
    u those guys who bought the geisha's virginity
  17. onisegawa

    onisegawa Active Member

    lol who doesn't like them? lol XD well should tell your friends to shut up when they mention about him....unless you WANT to here about him -unsure
  18. milkteddy

    milkteddy Member

    having a relationship just for physical side? I dont think its safe.. for both your health and emotion as well
  19. hksar

    hksar Active Member

    STD anyone? Should just play it safe.
  20. its nasty and will mess you up in the long term. but some people are cool with being used goods.