Caught Up.

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by yoitztrong, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. S.N.Gaara

    S.N.Gaara Well-Known Member

    there is no hope /slit jk jk
  2. AZN-511

    AZN-511 Well-Known Member

    I guess what you need to do is ask yourself what you want and what she want. If you sure you want a relationship and you know she will never want one then you should just move on before you get too deep in the situation and both of you get hurt.
  3. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    Be persistent and then she might say yes.
    things don't come easy you have to play their game.
  4. envydavis0423

    envydavis0423 Active Member

    Not everybody is the same, so follows whatever comes to mind when you're with her. Being persisent is indeed important, but most of the time, when a girl knows that you like them and she say not yet. The ending would most likely be "Let's just be friends" because she is afraid if the relationship ends badly, that she would lose a good friend. While other times, they are keeping you as backup since they already know that you like them. Or some girls just like to keep it in a slow pace. Like, I've said, it all depends on the person.

    So do what everyone else is saying, be persistent for a while, if she still don't know what she want, then you can decide it for her. As hard as it might be for you, interact less with her and go see other people. (Girls don't like anything too easy; this shows that you still have options, and it will give her some time to think when you're not around). Doing this may also cause her to get jealous and realize that she likes you and want to be with you. If she doesn't and is happy for you, then there's your answer, and you can move on or do whatever.
  5. you can either wait or give up. Right now i have two guys that i dated before and right now i dont want a relationshp but they are still waiting for me, they have the patience if you dont have it then you can give up.
  6. tom88my

    tom88my Active Member

    I have a friend I think he is in the same boat as you.. The girl keep saying NO, but after a few month of his persistent, they end up together .... When girl say no it doesn't really mean no...
  7. Eloi

    Eloi Member

    When dealing with girl switch off all logic department and just feel it. Their no is not a strict no, if you feel it is a no then it is really goner for you but no harm persisting for a while more, some gals just love the courtship phase more.
  8. kevboi

    kevboi Well-Known Member


    I just want to say this man:
    1. She says she's not ready for a relationship

    Ah, the classic escape route; women often use this one when they feel cornered by someone they are not interested in. It's clean, requires no preparation and leaves no room for a counterargument. But if a woman says this to you, what she really means is that she does not want to be in a relationship with you. For whatever reason, she doesn't see you as relationship material for her, so don't stick around hoping she will be ready someday. She might get into a relationship eventually, but it probably won't be with you.

    2 girls said this to me, lol

    One of them i really cared for and liked, I didnt force her into a realtionship with me. Y would i want to be with someone who doesnt love me back. U dont want that, I actually took the quote as she wasnt ready to commit, I was fine, i kept hanging out with her and keep on WOOing her cause i didnt want this chance to get away, and regret for not trying. Long story short! She never liked me, but used me to make her BF jealous. ROFL. If she told me that before I wouldve done it for free , but Y did u have to hurt my feelings. I felt i can never trust a girl again. I was stupid man. Just move on and go find someone that would be happy with u. Just my 2 cents and advice.
  9. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    all girls have time for a relationship if they are INTERESTED in you....

    dont care how busy they are with life, school or work

    she WILL make time for YOU if she is INTERESTED....


  10. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    im sorry man...but that is too true...

    better to be loved than to love...

    sounds selfish huh? but thats reality...better to hurt than be hurt...
  11. vangirl86

    vangirl86 Well-Known Member

    I can see why some of you may have cynical POV when it comes to love. If you think it is better to be loved than to love, how can you ever expect to have a passionate and loving relationship with someone one day? You would never give your whole heart to someone even though she/he does; hence, I don't believe you will ever experience what love is.
    #31 vangirl86, Apr 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2009
  12. erict1628

    erict1628 Member

    Only a loser would say that. It's called a friend zone, and he won't get out of it.

    So basically, you're just using him. You want him to do stuff for you and you don't return crap. Only a loser would let you do that to him.

    If he had the balls, he would have kicked you to the curb.
  13. jdm_s2k

    jdm_s2k Well-Known Member

    that was quite harsh ^^

    truth yes....can be painful...

    so original poster...updates??
  14. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    dude the plain answer is best:

    play the game right :) play the high and low value game with her (do stuff that will make you have high quality to her instead of low quality stuff like waiting around. HQ: don't dwell on her)

    don't wait around, the more you wait around the more she will see you as second hand meat lols.

    expand your choises, as in see other girls. This doesn't mean you have to stop being into her, it just means you have alternatives.

    even tell her about it, i am sure she will likely get jealous and then chase you instead of you chase her around in cricles and go no where which it would seem to be at the moment.

    I hope your not at the point where you spent more then a month chasing her because you are likely to be in the only friend zone lols.

    i could go on and on about this topic, but anyways good luck.

    anyways, if this is useful thank me :)