Seem like we won't be seeing any of Margie Tsang. So far, I'm not impressed with it, the humor just isn't that funny. Kinda lame.-noclue
I agree with the Humour, its just getting stupid, also the actors arent really acting that professionally, they kind of doing it amateurish
Not impressed either, first series had a few funny parts but overall it was average and very overrated.
OK. This is off topic but can anyone suggest what player I should view this drama with. Not working with real player, mpc, mpc-hc, real alternative or even vlc. Is there something missing?? Please help!!!!!!!!!! Thanks in advance!!
The file format Im guessing is .rmvb right? Real Alternative should do the trick, make sure you download the latest version compatible with ur OS, and finish instaling it, you can view it on Media Player Classic it should be fine. If not, right click the file and click open with....and choose the media player program
i just want to see the cases that they put in the series, and anyone know what roger did to the cards at the end of ep 2
Not sure if i wanna watch this cause of these 'negative' reviews. First was really funny. Gonna wait a bit longer for more reviews
i actually really like it .... i think its cause im used to the character .. cause normally rogers acting is similar in all the series *except for last man standing* ... im actually looking forward to the episodes ... tbh its just like the first one but extending ... and diff crime scenes ...^_^
Seen 3 episodes and was okay with it. First episode really makes me want to leave but right at the end they started with a new case so it got me into watching the next episode. The annoying thing was that sometimes Roger is just over reacting and they're trying to put more humor in it which was lame. I hope they will focus more on the cases instead of some stupid humor things.
i dont get why everyone is saying that hes over acting and trying to put humor into things .. he did that exactly with "ah wong"......
rogers character over whacky in this its a little forced ...thats my feeling from the first episode....i hope the cases are interesting.