hm..same i prefer Charmaine and Moses don't really like Kevin Cheng, not hate just dont really like. His acting is good, esp in Last one standing, just dont like him for some reason lol edit: o ops wrong the question wrong, i thought the question asked "charmaine with moses or charmaine with kevin"
I prefer Moses and Charmaine! I feel so bad for Moses =[ he can't get with the woman he loves! This time i actually hate Kevin lols How i wish Charmaine will be with Moses rather than Kevin -______-"
Charmaine's character is rather unrealistic; how anyone could continue to be so kind and mellow in a setting such as the palace where everyone has to be a toughie or more to survive. Tavia started off sweet, kind and innocent like Charmaine but her character is more realistic as she had to start scheming to prevent others from threading on her. Having said that, I still prefer Charmaine with Moses as they are both kind-hearted and also everything they did, they did in the interest of the ordinary folks.
I would like to see Charmaine and Moses because I think Moses deserve a more sweet character like Charmaine.
charmaine and moses! they even have a cute little childhood story to go along with it! i don't know why charmaine ends up with the other guy =/ probably because that guy has more popularity than moses nowadays =( but still! the love relationship storyline sucks
we're on about their characters right?!! hmm i'd say charmaine! i don't understand those who don't like her... as opposed to tavia's character which is just pure evil! lol so he'd defos be better off with charmaine! but out of character & back to real-life, gotta love tavia!! she's gorgeous & such a brilliant actress