ive always thought that she was a good actor, which is still true. she's a good salesperson that seems to only like money, but i think she feels differently towards raymond now.
i loveee charmaine, hehe...my fav actress in tvb hmm, as for her character in DOL, i think she's a pretty strong girl, loves money...but hmm, i think at this point of the show, it doesn't show her as a money loving person anymore...haha, after being with raymond, she's changed...which is good, cause uhh, being too greedy isn't a good thing. i like the pair with ray...charray <3
lol shes alright but i do find it anoying how she gets a bigger chracter than myolie... she seems to love money alot and is very lucky to have raymond like her soo much!
Lets just say that its the people and environment that made her that way.. she is pretty affectionate in the series.. but when her mother commit sucicide.. her character changed because she cannot love someone whose family killed her mum! and her mum is the dearest person to her what do you think! If you are her would you want to love someone and feel remorse the whole of your life? SHe is into money but later she realise that love is one thing but her mum is the first!!
I think Charmaine's character has many facets. In the beginning, she appears to only love money and willing to sacrifice everything (principle and ethnics) for it. As the story slowly evolves, you discover the reason why she's so money hungry. She loves her mom so much that she wants to give her mom a good life after suffering so much abuse from her husband. Not that being greedy is okay, but at least, you understand what drives her: to protect her mom at all cost. It is this same drive which prompts her to break up with Raymond. You can obviously see her feelings towards him changing as the show progresses. But because Raymond's parents indirectly killed her mom, she had to server her ties with them, even if she has to hurt the only person that she loves, now that her mom is gone. All in all, I like her character and it is slowly changing and maturing.
She is great. From good to bad. I think her character in the end is still good. Maybe she is under immense pressure that is why she changed to a bad person. But as u know, all TVB series ends well.
true~ her acting skills had improve tremendously since the beginning of her career... When she first started (Flying Fox of The Snowy Mountain), her acting was so blunt... Can consider her as expressionless.. But now, its such a different person... Applause to her....
Somehow i still reckon her cries are a bit fake. you can see there are no tears coming down sometimes when she cries. and in the end of ep40 i think, she goes back home crying why she was left alone to deal with it all.....when she was the one that broke the relationship up and announced revenge on the Wah's. LOL
she starts 2 become evil >_< but i think she will end up with raymond at the end ^^ her acting skill is getting better. . . <3 her
i'm watching up to ep40 at the beginning i already cant stand her n now her character is getting more annoying n soo evil!