^ then dont watch sor mui.... I just ignore, as there is not much you can do... unless you want to tell them off -^_^
girls r maturing so fast..in vegas i saw some hot girls..really nice body then when i looked at thier face they're younger than me like a few years...some girls got a body like a woman....so hard to belive...got nice curves too
^ yep i agree i think its really scary sometimes too especially when you see girls with makeup on at the age of 9 its like enjoy your childhood whilst you can!!!
yeah it's so messed up these days. 4 years ago when i was in gr 7, i overheard these 3rd graders talking about sex. i always thought the kids from my elementary school were pretty innocent too. but then again my friend told me something about what her 13 year old cousin said, which made me laugh. she didn't know what sex was and said ppl get pregnant when they sleep together because something from the man's tummy goes into the woman's tummy... but that her parents must be too old becaues her parents sleep together all the time. xD
And then u see old people starvin themselves and have a body of a child, and the child havin a body of women...>.<"
she said she learned it at school. xD the 13 year old said she thought that was how babies were made before she learned the "truth" at school.. hahah
^ i wouldnt persoanlly say anythinkg either if i was on my own and a gang of them i'll probably just walk past