Children these days...

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by Lychee, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. lol just gotta give em a smack in the back of the head when they're not lookin...

    damn children these days... abusing animals... trying to kill pple with their cooking...
  2. endo

    endo Well-Known Member

    bring out the whipping sticks...that's what kids need these days
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    would u actually whip ur own kid?
  4. hell yea.. I would... freakin children these days.. always staying up till like 2-3 in the morning not doing their homework.. always slackin in school...
  5. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    ^ that sounds a lot like someone i know....
  6. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    like me - but only the "stayin up to 2-3 in the mornin"...n "not doin homework" sometyms - cos i cld b rely tired or nt rely bovverred...=P
  7. mr-bk

    mr-bk Active Member

    thw world is getting worse!! AGH!!
  8. gday

    gday Well-Known Member

    i kids at my country are quite crazy too.... all becoming parents around 15 man! i think bc we are mainly a white culture so they become very 'open' and also the tv shows music media greatly affect it just an ad on tv before...was about sex
  9. sharkbite01

    sharkbite01 Member

    I'm happy to see that I am not the only one who thinks the world is getting worse in terms of virtuous behavior. Kids and usually adults alike nowadays are too much influenced by all kinds of media. Kids tend to lose respect for their elders and they are certainly not afraid to make cocky remarks towards their elders. At least not where I live in the Netherlands. Also the amount of violence among the youth is increasing.

    I think their behaviour could be improved by early education in schools and by better parenting. This doesn't mean beating the children up when they do wrong-nono , although god knows I've wanted to with my nephews-innocent2 , but listening to their problems. But I don't think the problems are going to disappear, cause parents don't have the same education levels and we tend to teach the children whatever we were thaught when we were little.
    Maybe it's a fair question to ask wheter it is justified to have children if you are not up to the job, cause that's what parenting is; a really tough job.
  10. dude but CEOs all share one thing in common and that's SPanking!!

    nothin like a lil ass whoopin to get the kids back on track. You gotta strike terror into these like f***ers and show them the consequences of their actions like -batman take 'em out with fear.... -fear
  11. roarixer

    roarixer Well-Known Member

    We should all blame this on the media. It's the media's fault for openly expressing such private matters to young kids. Unfortunately, no law says that you don't have the freedom of expression.
  12. i dunno about all the blame.. but yea some..

    really gotta put these kiddies in check other wise they'll kick your ass when you get older... -wheel... ahahaha -lol
  13. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    oh man...yesterday, at the mall, there was this old lady picking up her stuff in the cashier line thingy right? so this kidd behind her was like hurry up you old dirtbag, ive got places to go and people to meet. any longer and ill die before you do...*blah blah blah* like WTF. why don't you HELP the poor old lady? ive never see a kid so freaking disrespectful, especially in the public. we were all booing him and some of us went to help the lady. freaking kids, so damn disrespectful of the elders.
  14. lol did they actually say old dirtbag... what kinda kids say that...?? -lol

    Sp ya shoulda took that beretta outta your LV belt and scare the crap out of 'em...
  15. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    naww..i just replaced the bad word with dirtbag. doesn't sound..quite as mean. yeah..i should have taken my belt and whipped his arse...damn kid. but i think he would beaten me up..hes
  16. lol take the old ladies cane and wack him with it
  17. sp-lork

    sp-lork Well-Known Member

    ahha i wish, the lady didn't have a cane with her. i wished someone went and like kicked that guy where it hurts the most..but like..yeah...the guy was lucky. got away unharmed..unless verbally of course. -lol
  18. tallgirl888

    tallgirl888 Well-Known Member

    I think if parents spend more time with their children, they won't grow up racist, ignorant, etc...